win10 airpodspro第二代 方法/步骤 1 将两只AirPod都放入充电盒,并打开盒盖,长按充电盒背面按钮进入蓝牙配对模式。2 点击桌面Windows图标 ,再点击设置图标,选择【设备】。3 点击蓝牙和其他设备,开启蓝牙后,在搜索列表点击耳机名称下方的【连接】即可。
1、在开始菜单中打开设置,打开设置窗口;2、在设置窗口中点击“设备”选项,打开设备设置窗口;3、在设备设置窗口中,打开蓝牙与其他设备页面的蓝牙开关按钮;4、点击“蓝牙与其他设备”左边的加号,接着点击蓝牙选项;5、选择想要连接的AirPods Pro,最后点击确定即可连接。
1. 使用AirPods的触控功能:AirPods Pro和AirPods Max具有触控功能,可以通过点击和滑动来控制音乐播放、切换曲目和调整音量等操作。确保在Windows电脑上启用了这些功能,并熟悉它们的使用方法。2. 调整音频设置和音量:根据个人喜好和需求,可以在Windows电脑上调整音频设置和音量。通过点击音频图标,你可以访问音频控制面板...
我直接在网易云把这个输出改了就好了- -
老airpods2的麦克在手机上时灵时不灵,所以买了个pro,但是遇到了win10上stereo模式下无法用麦克风,如果同时用耳麦音质差的问题。搜了下说是编码问题,没有解决办法。 老的ap2是完全没有这个问题的,同时使用立体音和耳麦正常工作,这也是我选择继续购买ap系列的原因,非常方便,如果不行的话我还不如继续买ap2呢,耳麦...
I have been trying to connect my airpods pro to windows 10. here is the issue: I turn off bluetooth on my iphone. I turn on bluetooth on my windows. I open the airpods case, press and hold the button, and succesfully pair them with the windows. As soon as i take out the airpods...
Windows, Windows 10 Posted on Oct 27, 2020 10:03 AM Me too Reply Similar questions Answering Phonecalls from AirPods when it is connected to Mac I cannot answer phone calls from my AirPods when it is connected to my MacBook Pro. I can do double tapped answer but calling person cann...
The new features, accompanied with bug fixes and improvements, will be available to all Windows 10 users later this year. However, members of the Windows Insider program can receive a beta with the new additions with the latest build.
10.4更新:靠谱消息,关于降噪AirPods 12.2更新:AirPods pro 99%的人不知道的实用独门技巧 目前华强北...