Call/Music Control Yes Volume Control Yes Microphone Control Mute/Unmute Channel Mixing No Noise Cancelling Control On/Off Talk-Through On/Off Additional Controls Voice Assistant These buds have very good controls. Compared to the first gen, the manufacturer has improved the 'Force Sensor...
购买AirPods,Apple Music免费试听三个月*。进一步了解 AirPods 4 音质和舒适性,再进阶。 RMB 999 起售 主动降噪款 RMB 1399 进一步了解 购买 AirPods Pro 2 降低高音量、对话增强和背景音等功能, 为听力护航1。 RMB 1899 AirPods Max 五种新色高调亮相。
具备Pro 级主动降噪 脚注³,还有各种先进功能为听力护航¹⁴。 免费个性化服务 添加镌刻表情符号、名字、缩写和数字混合镌刻,打造你独一无二的专属 AirPods Pro 2。Apple 独家福利。免费 不加镌刻 AirPods Pro 2 添加AppleCare+ 服务计划 AppleCare+ 服务计划 (适用于耳机) RMB 349 获得长达 2 年的不限次...
使用AirPods ..不是活动结束了,是要求必须是没开通过苹果音乐会员的或者是距离上次开通超过3年的新会员才能享受这个优惠,这里面有个窍门,就是可以新注册一个苹果id,在设置-苹果账号-媒体与购买项目-退出登录,然后登录新
Apple's AirPods Pro 2 earphones feature 2x better noise-canceling technology, improved Transparency mode, an H2 chip, and a $249 price tag.
所以算是很好的体验了一次长续航和更加强悍的降噪能力。而且比较幸运的是,恰好新旧两款AirPods Pro都在...
Touch control now lets you adjust volume with a swipe. And a leap in power delivers 6 hours of battery life from a single charge. The new Apple-designed H2 chip is the force behind the AirPods Pro and its advanced audio performance. It works in concert with a custom-built amplifier to ...
二、AirPods Pro的主动降噪功能 三、AirPods Pro的通透模式 四、AirPods Pro的音质 五、空间音频功能 六...
AirPods 4、AirPods 4(支持主动降噪)、AirPods Pro 2(配备 USB-C 充电盒)和 Powerbeats Pro 2 在与 Apple Vision Pro 搭配使用时,可在提供无损音频的同时实现超低延迟。 要获取你从 Apple Music 下载的音乐的无损版本,请删除相应音乐,为你的设备打开无损功能,然后从 Apple Music 目录中重新下载。
But the new AirPods Pro have an extra gesture -- you can now control the volume level without touching whichever device you're streaming music on. A swipe up on the stem will increase the volume, while a swipe down on the stem will decrease the volume. You'll...