AirPods 和 AirPods Pro AirPods Max 服务和维修 我的支持 使用你的 Apple 账户登录,以查看保障状态或查询现有维修。 登录“我的支持” 服务选项 了解适合你的 Apple 认证服务和维修选项。 了解更多 开始维修 告诉我们你的 AirPods 遇到的问题,我们将为你找到合适的支持选项。
如果使用 AirPods Pro 2 或 AirPods 4(两种型号)并打开了“播报来电”和“播报通知”,你还可以使用头部动作来接听或拒绝通话以及打开或关闭通知,无需使用语音或手操作。 调整AirPods 的控制和手势 佩戴AirPods,然后执行以下任一项操作: iPhone 或 iPad:前往“设置” ...
If you received AirPods, AirPods Pro, or AirPods Max as a gift, make sure to take a look through all of the how tos in this guide, because there are plenty of tips and tricks worth knowing. Basic Features Must-Know Tutorials Connectivity With iPhone, Apple Watch, and Mac ...
Have you found yourself getting frustrated trying to wrestle each AirPod Pro out of the case? Well, we're here to tell you "you're holding it wrong." Apple has designed them in such a way that you simply have to push on the back of each earbud and it will swivel right out between...
This guide will walk you through the steps to charge your AirPods using your iPhone 15, offering practical advice and tips to optimize the charging process. Charging Your AirPods Wirelessly with iPhone 15 The iPhone 15 comes equipped with a feature that allows you to charge your AirPods ...
Select “Forget This Device” and confirm.Open the AirPods case.Press and hold the setup button on the back until the light flashes white.Bring your AirPods close to your iPhone to reconnect.If you are having trouble resetting your AirPods, check out our guide on what to do when your ...
AirPods Pronow adopts the in-ear design (seethis guideon the difference among in-ear, on-ear, and over-ear headphones). This means the tips are supposed to be sealed into your ear canal. Unlike AirPods andAirPods 2, AirPods Pro will “stuff” your ears if you are new to in-ear buds...
This AirPods Pro guide explains what the Force Sensor on AirPods Pro is, how to use the Force Sensor to control music playing, handle calls, switch noise control modes, and launch Siri. The customization of the press speed and press duration of the Force Sensor on AirPods Pro is also illus...
Learn about the pros and cons of wireless charging, how to determine compatibility with your device, and how to choose the best wireless charger for you. Learn more Guide to wireless earbuds Learn shopping tips and key factors to consider when choosing the best wireless earbuds for you. ...
虽然iPhone 13系列发售至今已经过去一年多了,但是就14/14Pro系列的提升来说,不是非常在意那个“灵动岛”全面屏及拍照提升的用户完全可以考虑性价比更高的13系列,整体优惠幅度也会更大。 图片来自于@Apple,版权属于原作者 黑五优惠力度预测: iPhone SE 3 ...