but the Apple AirPods Pro has stayed remarkably the same for a few years. Now, the Apple AirPods Pro 2 is here, boasting new tech in the charging case and apparent improvements across the board, all for the same price. The AirPods Pro 1 has been a reliable active noise canceling (...
去年和大家分享了捷波朗的旗舰真无线耳机 Elite 10。而在上个月,捷波朗发布了 Elite 10 2 代,算是一款针对 Elite10 进行改进和补全的产品。在使用了接近一个月之后,和大家聊聊这一次捷波朗 Elite 10 Gen2 相比上代到底有哪些升级以及具体体验到底怎么样, 视频播放量 2756
相比Gen. 1,这一次的Gen. 2主要升级了H1芯片,在官网描述的提升中,除去可以直接呼出Siri之外,连接性能和各设备直接的切换速度也有提升。有关连接性这一点,通过在MacBook Pro,iPadPro,iPhone之间的连接切换发现,的确能够更快地完成切换。而轻点两下依旧可以设置Siri呼出,而且感觉轻点识别的失败率较Gen. 1降低了很多。
AirPods Pro gen2 的降噪效果好想确实比一代要再好那么一点。。。但感觉好像也没到他们自己宣传的好 2 倍的效果。。。 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ1 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... Ü 简介: PSN ID:Hejunzhi 更多a 微关系 他的关注(420...
Apple's AirPods Pro 2 earphones feature 2x better noise-canceling technology, improved Transparency mode, an H2 chip, and a $249 price tag.
My AirPods pro (gen2 and gen1) stopped working (cannot connect to any iPhone, tried at AT I got a pair of new airpods pro gen2, after mixing one of gen2 airpod with gen1 in one case, both pairs of AirPods stopping working with any iPhone (cannot connect to any iPhone), I have...
The two AirPods Pro generations share the overwhelming majority of their features, so should you consider buying or sticking with the first-generation AirPods Pro to save money? This breakdown also serves as a way to see all the differences that the new AirPods Pro bring...
Make sure to update your iPhone to iOS 16 to get the most out of your new AirPods Pro. iPhone owners who need a new pair of earbuds should buy theAirPods Pro (2nd generation)instead of the first-gen AirPods Pro. The new AirPods Pro debuts at the same $249 price as the first-gen ...
关于AirPods Pro Gen 2的提升部分,有苹果分析师认为,苹果将在新耳机上加入苹果无损音频 (ALAC),显然这是重大升级。 其他功能方面,尚未有新爆料流出,不过可能不用等太久,关…