AirPods在连接到Windows电脑后可能会出现两个音频设备:AirPods Stereo和AirPods Hands-Free。这是由于AirPod...
我也遇到了楼主问题,刚自己摸索好了,如果显示已经连接上了airpods,只需要单击右下角声音图标,这时显示hands free,点击右上角小三角,呼出选项,选择切换成stereo,就OK了,我可真是个小机灵鬼儿 ka守夜人 初涉江湖 1 我跟你一样也是没声音我2代 颜色是谁的掌控 初涉江湖 1 没想到这么久没上贴吧还有小伙伴...
AirPods Stereo:如果你只是单纯听声音,音质会非常棒!但如果你想要同时进行语音输入,比如打电话,选这个就不行了,语音无法输入。而且如果你在听音乐时选它,还想语音输入,就会发现音质变差,大概是“一心二用”导致性能受影响。 AirPods Hands Free AG audio:这个选项既能听声音,又能满足语音输入需求,打电话啥的完全没...
airpods连接w..台式机 今天买了个绿联的蓝牙配适器 连接好了以后发现音质出奇的差 网上查了查发现是因为用的是handsfree播放的 但我的声音设备列表里并没有 airpods stereo这个 我看网上大家的截图里
This is quite finicky and depends on your BT driver version and whether you are using Windows 11 or Windows 10. If you are using Windows 10 then Airpods will show up as two different devices, one called ‘Airpods hands-free’ and the other called ‘Airpods stereo’. If you have the lat...
improved comfort. You also get new acoustic architecture, for better sound quality, though we haven’t tested the AirPods 4 yet. The inclusion of the H2 chip means you get hands-free Siri control and nod controls. If those updates don’t intrigue you, the AirPods (3rd generation) are ...
ad134 初涉江湖 1 音量那个地方选择 Hands-Free AG Audio就行了,但是音质会差点 李锦鉴是命 初涉江湖 1 右键右下角小喇叭图标 李锦鉴是命 初涉江湖 1 hands-free 右键点击禁用 然后Ok了 冷曦丶 初涉江湖 1 兄弟,问一下,我根本连不上电脑咋办😂都搜不到ipds。但是点发送文件就能显示出ipds登录...
You can control media, listening modes, and field phone calls from the new AirPods Pro. When paired to a compatible Apple device, you can use the hot word, “Hey Siri,” to make hands-free commands and inquiries. Apple debuts swipe gestures on the AirPods Pro (2nd Generation) too. While...
但选择stereo的话音效正常,但说不了话。选择hands free这个时候,能说了,但听的音效好像5毛钱耳机一样,空荡荡的响。这该怎么破啊,用的是自己组装的机箱。 分享3赞 bose吧 ericshen987 关于BOSE大鲨二代耳机降噪模式切换的问题请教各位吧友,我的BOSE大鲨二代耳机降噪模式切换只设置了消噪和通透,按理说长按...