We’ll show you how to connect AirPods toWindows 11 devices. Before you proceed, it’s worth noting that low battery power can interrupt the connection process. So, ensure your AirPods (and charging case) have enough charge. Charge your AirPods’ battery level to at least 20%. Table of C...
将AirPods 连接到您的 Windows 11 PC 要将AirPods 连接到 PC,请返回设置应用程序中的蓝牙和设备页面(系统托盘 > 蓝牙图标 > 打开设置),然后单击可让您将新设备与 PC 配对的选项旁边的“添加设备” . 将出现添加设备窗口。单击此窗口顶部的“蓝牙”。 Windows 将开始搜索蓝牙设备。您需要将 AirPods 置于 Windows...
1、在Win10/11电脑上,按下【Win+i】快捷键,打开【Windows设置】,点选【设置】→【蓝牙和其他设备】,确保【蓝牙】功能已启用; 2、点击【添加蓝牙设备】,选择【蓝牙】,系统自动搜索周边蓝牙设备; 3、打开AirPods充电盒的盖子,按住充电盒背面的设置按钮,直到状态指示灯呈白色闪烁; 4、在设备列表中,点选你的 AirP...
When i connect airpods pro (1st gen) to my windows 11 laptop they only play sound for the first ~5 sec, after that they stay connected but don't play sound. i have rebooted the laptop, reset the headphones, reinstalled the sound drivers, but all that didn't help. if anyone has had...
援引cnbeta消息,面向 Dev 频道的 Windows Insider 项目成员,微软今天发布了 Windows 11 Build 22526 预览版更新。本次更新并未引入新的功能或者重大的后台改进,只是对细节进一步打磨和优化。 升级后的版本,将…
以下是如何将AirPods连接到Windows 11 PC: 1、右键单击任务栏上的Windows图标。 2、单击“设置”。 3、单击蓝牙和设备。 4、如果蓝牙开关尚未打开,请单击它。 5、单击+添加设备。 6、将AirPods放在盒子中,然后打开盒子。 7、按住AirPods盒子上的按钮。
As you can see, there's nothing really crazy going on here. It makes sense though. Despite the fact that there hasn't been a new Windows 11 Insider Preview in the Dev channel in a few weeks, it's worth remembering that that's because the team was off for the holidays. They've onl...
援引cnbeta消息,面向 Dev 频道的 Windows Insider 项目成员,微软今天发布了 Windows 11 Build 22526 预览版更新。本次更新并未引入新的功能或者重大的后台改进,只是对细节进一步打磨和优化。 升级后的版本,将有效的融入苹果 AirPods 产品时宽频语音(wideband speech)的支持。用户在使用AirPods 产品连接Windows 11系统时,...
解决⽅法: Win11⽆法连接Airpods 在我们开始修复之前,我们建议您阅读更多有关配对后如何将 Airpods 重新连接到 Windows 11 的信息。您可能已经注意到,Airpods 现在可以在机箱打开时有效地重新连接到 Windows 11,但是,这只是在您将 Airpods 连接到另⼀台设备之前。连接后,即使您打开机箱并尝试⼿...
The box comes with a set of ear stabilizers as well for an extra secure fit, and the Earin app available foriTunes,AndroidandWindows 10 Mobilelets you tweak the bass level and monitor the remaining battery life in each earbud. The cylindrical charging case is slightly bigger than a tube of...