你可以在亚马逊(Amazon)和Currys等零售商那里买旧款iPad省钱 对于那些想买一款不会倾家荡产的新iPad的人来说,一些老款的iPad值得考虑。选择旧款iPad并不一定意味着你要牺牲质量,但确实意味着你可以节省数百英镑。 这款10.9英寸的iPad(第10代)于2022年发布,是苹果标准iPad系列的最新版本,iPad Air和Pro系列将推出...
2 years ago 276 1 Purchase Date Not Validated - Airpods Pro Hi there, I bought an Airpods Pro on 31 July 2020 from Currys PC WORLD store in United Kingdom. However, when I try to check the warranty from apple website with the serial number on the box, it says purchase date not v...