“In 2014, I met several other Porterfield owners, and one of them told me that there were 24 flying examples in the world,” Dave said. “A fellow I met this past [weekend] has one that’s bent, so there might only be 23 right now.” ...
For example the weight of the wing could be approximated by approximating the weight of the material that will be used to make the spar, then guessing how many sheets of balsa it will take to build the wing ribs, and cover the wings. Additionally components such as the leading edge and p...
First lay one wing down flat and secure to your building surface. Next apply a thin layer of 5 minute epoxy to the other wing’s center section. Now carefully align both center sections and gently join together. You will need to prop the unsecured wingtip up 1 ¼ inch for the correct ...
The starting point is the wingspan, and I chose to be 80cm. From there we get the fuselage length, which is generally 75% of the wingspan. As for the airfoil, or the wing cross section I chose the CLARK Y Airfoil, which a popular choice for RC airplanes. I downloaded theairfoil sh...
for physical money. It’s become a little worse lately, this desire to win. It would keep the other one of us here with his family instead of that eight hour plane ride away for months on end. I’ve upped my dedication to playing. Hell bent on saving the family. And I almost did...
followed by the leading and trailing edges. Build up the wing tips from 1/8-inch sq. balsa and parts A2 & A3 using the assembly drawing provided. Align the tip assembly with the main and aileron hinge spars and glue A2 in place against the leading edge, and A3 to the trailing edge....
13. Fold the wings tips up and you are done. Final Paper Airplane Design Give the wings an upward Y shape to improve performance. This dihedral angle will be more stable. To improve the flight characteristics, cut some aileron flaps on the back of the wings. These can be bent up or ...
When the wing structure has been completed, the leading and trailing edges should be notched, as shown on the plan, to allow the outer panels to be raised at the tips. The center section should be very firmly pinned down to the building board and each tip blocked up 1-1/2 in....
except for engine failure or damage, when the damage is limited to the engine, its cowlings or accessories; or for damage limited to propellers, wing tips, antennas, tires, brakes, fairings, small dents or puncture holes in the aircraft skin; or c) The aircraft is missing or is completely...
The tail flaps can be bent up slightly if the plane tends to dive. All changes should be made with small adjustments and then a test flight to analyze the change. Make more than one model airplane. You will find that they all have unique flight characteristics, no two are alike. Choose...