——— Created by Bruno Ruess Ausgabe: 1.5 © 2005 Seite 1 von 64 Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) Flughandbuch Velocity 173 RG HB-YJN Ausgabe: 1.5 文档格式:PDF | 页数:64 | 浏览次数:28 | 上传日期:2015-02-08 21:53:55 | 文档星级: Dieses Flughandbuch muss im Flugzeug mitgefÜhrt...
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andtheAeronauticalInformationManual(AIM).TheAIMisavailableonlineathttp://.faa.gov/atpubs. Performancestandardsfordemonstratingcompetencerequiredforpilotcertificationareprescribedintheappropri- ateairplanepracticalteststandard. ThecurrentFlightStandardsServiceairmantrainingandtestingmaterialandsubjectmatterknowledgecodesforall...
The existing AD currently requires, for certain aircraft, a revision of the Airplane Flight Manual, and, for all aircraft, the performance of repetitive inspections to check for wear or damage of the inlet check valves and inlet adapters of the override/jettison pumps, and corrective action if ...
§ 121.141 Airplane flight manual. (a) Each certificate holder shall keep a current approved airplane flight manual for each type of airplane that it operates except for nontransport category airplanes certificated before January 1, 1965. (b) In each airplane required to have an airplane flight ...
美 英 un.飞机飞行手册 英汉 un. 1. 飞机飞行手册
A. Yes, the digital PDF is formatted for use on your iPad and can be downloaded in a few easy steps. Q. What is the format of the printed manual? A. The printed manual is 8.5 x 11 inches, so it will fit in most flight bags or in the seat pocket of your airplane. It’s prin...
1) airplane flight manual 飞行手册1. To solve this problem and meet the ARJ21-700 airplane flight manual making requirements,a solution in which the drawing area is divided into grid been proposed. 为了解决多坐标系绘图问题,满足AR J21-700飞机飞行手册编制需求,提出了网格化绘图区域的方法,可以方便...
Operational Empty Weight (OEW) : Weight of structure, powerplant, furnishings, systems, and other items of equipment that are an integral part of a particular aircraft configuration plus the operator's items. The operator's items are the flight and cabin crew and their baggage, unusable fuel,...
CIRRUS AIRPLANE MAINTENANCE MANUAL (西锐飞机维护手册).pdf,C I R R U S A I R P L A N E M A I N T E N A N C E M A N U A L M O D E L S S R 2 2 A N D S R 2 2 T ELEVATOR AND PITCH TRIM SYSTEM 1. DESCRIPTION This section describes that portion of the flight