The classic Box & Jenkins airline data. Monthly totals of international airline passengers, 1949 to 1960. Format: a monthly time series, in thousands. 详细信息 发布程序 IBM Analytics 已修改 Jul 06, 2023 源
AirPassengers_DataSet.csv AirPassengers数据集有两列,分别是时间和客运流量,数据为从1949-1960年,144个月的旅客数量,可作为时间序列分析方法等的数据集使用 上传者:wu_xinxin时间:2020-02-21 lstm(air-passengers).ipynb LSTM实战航空乘客数据集,基于jupyter实现,python3.6+numpy+pandas+keras+sklearn,数据集下载地址...
This paper aims at investigating further the use of the social media Twitter as a real-time estimator of the US Air Transportation system. Two different machine learning regressors have been trained on this 2017 passenger-centric dataset and tested on the first two months of 2018 for the ...
This paper aims at investigating further the use of the social media Twitter as a real-time estimator of the US Air Transportation system. Two different machine learning regressors have been trained on this 2017 passenger-centric dataset and tested on the first two months of 2018 for the ...