Airmar 通水超频发射器 ThruHullCHIRP 产品说明书 U p g r a d e Y o u r S o u n d e r t o a S e r i o u s F i s h f n d i n g M a c h i n e!O n l y p o s s i b l e w i t h t h e u s e o f a n A I R M A R b r o a d b a...
Airmar P319-DT-8 600W Plastic Thru Hull Transducer Furuno 8-Pin Fuji Connector Fits: Older Furuno, Si-Tex, Koden, Raytheon The P319 features our 50/200 kHz, dual-frequency, single-ceramic element in a low-profile housing. The nearly-flush design minimizes drag with only 5 mm (3/16")...
AirMar 1kW多光束潜水 sonar 与深度传感器产品说明书
The P319 is a compact, plastic, thru-hull, dual-frequency (50/200 kHz) sensor that offers depth and temperature data. Ideal for planing hull powerboats and sailboats. Key Features Requires just one hole in the hull to receive data for both depth and temperature. Works at 50 kHz and 200...
In-Hull Chirp Transducers 6 Pages Pocket/Keel Chirp Transducers 6 Pages CAST App 2 Pages DST810 Smart™ Multisensor 4 Pages Airducer Ultrasonic Transducer Catalog 26 Pages Industrial Transducers for Level and Flow 4 Pages HT200 2 Pages
Airmar ST850 NMEA2000 Bronze Thru Transducer, Speed/Temp st850bv-n2 List Price:$US 399.00 Our Price:$US 349.00 Speed and Temperature The ST850 is a low-profile, retractable, thru-hull sensor that computes accurate speed and temperature data and sends it to any NMEA 2000®network. These ...
Airmar TRIDUCER ® multisensors incorpo-rate a revolutionary self-closing valve to min-imize water flow into the boat when the paddlewheel insert is removed. “Gushers” are eliminated with this simple to maintain valve.Fins provide on either side of the paddlewheel for more accurate ...
Find out all of the information about the Airmar product: fishfinder acoustic transducer B175MW. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.
•Where the hull is flat or nearly flat, so the transducer beam will be aimed straight down.•In a cool well-ventilated area away from the engine to avoid overheating.•Where the transducer will be in contact with the water at all times.•Where the water flowing under the hull is ...
In-Hull Chirp Transducers 6 Pages Pocket/Keel Chirp Transducers 6 Pages CAST App 2 Pages DST810 Smart™ Multisensor 4 Pages Airducer Ultrasonic Transducer Catalog 26 Pages Industrial Transducers for Level and Flow 4 Pages HT200 2 Pages 200m Mini Altimeter Kit Smart™ Sensor 2 Page...