bash_command="/home/batcher/", // This failswith`Jinja templatenotfound` error#bash_command="/home/batcher/ ", // This works (has a space after)dag=dag) 参考链接: htt...
运行simple Airflow BashOperator时出现TemplateNotFound错误 Airflow-运行错误:无法启动新线程 运行airflow webserver时创建的新airflow目录 Airflow -从Kubernetes中运行的airflow访问REST API 通过cloud composer运行airflow时出现授权错误 在airflow中为一次手动运行创建多个DAG ...
In my dag i've created a task to run a bash command ("cd /home/eike/Projetos/backups && sh") and in the terminal it's running fine, but when i try to run the task in airflow i get the error saying jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound Error jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFo...
运行simpleAirflowBashOperator时出现TemplateNotFound错误 、 我正在尝试编写我们的第一个AirflowDAG,当我尝试使用命令airflowlist_tasks orderwarehouse列出任务时,我得到了以下错误此DAG不应使用模板。我的DAG看起来像这样: fromairflowimpo 浏览18提问于2017-02-10得票数31 ...
jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: /opt/spark/conf/pod_template.yaml However if I removespark.kubernetes.driver.podTemplateFilethen the job gets submitted without an issue What you think should happen instead Airflow should pass along the SparkApplication Manifest along to the Spark Operator that ex...
Jinja template not found Add a space after the script name when directly calling a Bash script with the bash_command argument. This is because Airflow tries to apply a Jinja template to it, which will fail. t2 = BashOperator( task_id='bash_example', ...
1、安装出现ERROR “python xxx” 。 问题: 第一需要你更新 pip 版本需要使用’pip install --upgrade pip’ command. 第二是 setuptools 版本太旧,所以出现以下问题Command “python egg_info” failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-G9yO9Z/tldr/,也是需要你更新 ...
流Dockerfile.template是kube-airflow的镜像文件,这个镜像也发布到了Docker-hub中,详情可参考 docker-airflow 该镜像基于Debian扩展官方映像 debian:stretch。 airflow.all.yaml是用于手动创建Kubernetes服务和部署airflow。 kube-airflow默认使用的是 CeleryExecutor + rabbitmq的模式。配置情况参考gitlab的 airflow.cfg...
Render a task instance's template(s). Supports both http GET and POST methods. Available in Airflow Version: 1.7.0 or greater GET-http://{HOST}:{PORT}/admin/rest_api/api?api=render Query Arguments: * dag_id - string - The id of the dag * task_id - string - The id of the ta...
Subtask mongodb2hdfs_7d4ce1b2d8d84e82a6421472ce3bef48 /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/airflow/config_templates/ DeprecationWarning: The elasticsearch_log_id_template optionin[elasticsearch] has been renamed to log_id_template -the old setting has been used,...