docker network create airflow-tier 创建用于 PostgreSQL 持久化的卷并创建 PostgreSQL 容器 docker volume create --name postgresql_data docker run -d --name postgresql \ -e POSTGRESQL_USERNAME=bn_airflow \ -e POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=bitnami1 \ -e POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=bitnami_airflow \ --net airflow-...
Docker Imagesto install airflow viadockertool, use them in Kubernetes, Helm Charts,docker-compose,docker swarm, etc. You can read more about using, customizing, and extending the images in theLatest docs, and learn details on the internals in theimagesdocument. ...
If you’re installing Airflow using Docker, after setting up the Airflow Docker image, extend the pre-built image by using a Dockerfile to install the otel extra (if needed, you can replace latest with and/or set $AIRFLOW_VERSION to a specific version -- note that support for OpenTeleme...
# docker_image_slave = puckel/docker-airflow[kerberos] ccache =/tmp/airflow_krb5_ccache # gets augmented with fqdn principal = airflow reinit_frequency =3600 kinit_path = kinit keytab = airflow.keytab [github_enterprise] api_rev = v3 [admin]# UI to hide sensitive variable fields when ...
Installation Pull the image from the Docker repository. docker pull puckel/docker-airflow Build Optionally install Extra Airflow Packages and/or python dependencies at build time : docker build --rm --build-arg AIRFLOW_DEPS="datadog,dask" -t puckel/docker-airflow . docker build --rm --...
Quick Start The installation is quick and straightforward. # airflow needs a home, ~/airflow is the default, # but you can lay foundation somewhere else if you prefer # (optional) export AIRFLOW_HOME=~/airflow # install from pypi using pip pip install apache-airflow # initialize the dat...
除了这些基本的构建块之外,还有更多的特定处理器:DockerOperator,HiveOperator,S3FileTransferOperator,PrestoToMysqlOperator,SlackOperator 7、角色 webserver : 提供web端服务,以及会定时生成子进程去扫描对应的目录下的dags,并更新数据库 scheduler : 任务调度服务,根据dags生成任务,并提交到消息中间件队列中 (redis或ra...
流Dockerfile.template是kube-airflow的镜像文件,这个镜像也发布到了Docker-hub中,详情可参考 docker-airflow 该镜像基于Debian扩展官方映像 debian:stretch。 airflow.all.yaml是用于手动创建Kubernetes服务和部署airflow。 kube-airflow默认使用的是 CeleryExecutor + rabbitmq的模式。配置情况参考gitlab的 airflow.cfg...
安装airflow : 代码语言:javascript 复制 yum install libxml2-devel yum install libxslt-devel yum install libffi-devel # airflow needs a home,~/airflow is thedefault,# but you can lay foundation somewhereelseifyou prefer ...
安装python>=2.7 安装airflow 安装airflow : yum install libxml2...pip2 install airflow[hive] pip2 install airflow[mysql] pip2 install airflow[celery] pip2 install airflow...flower 安装DB # initialize the database airflow initdb 如果需要mysql...