步骤1使用USB线将iPhone连接到Mac 将此软件下载到您的计算机上,立即安装并运行。它有 Windows 和 Mac 版本,这里我们准确下载 Mac 版本。无论您使用的是 MacBook (Air/Pro)、iMac (Pro)、Mac Pro/mini 等,还是运行 iOS 16/15/14/13/12/11/18/17 等的 iPhone 16/15/14/13/12/11/X 等,您都可以直接...
1 首先我们根据我之前的百度经验《iPhone如何打开Airdrop功能》,将我们的iPhone的Airdrop先打开。2 然后我们打开Mac上的访达,选择Airdrop(隔空投送)。3 进入Airdrop设置界面。4 点击小箭头,选择可见方式,我选择“仅限联系人”5 设置完,会出现附近可见的设备,我的iPhone 6 然后在iPhone上选择一个视频文件,点...
I have AirDrop on the Mac set to Everyone. 3 years ago 484 1 Airdrop won't work from iPhone to MacBook or Mac Ive tried all the troubleshooting tips, eg.setting discoverability to everyone, turning bluetooth, wifi, airplane mode on and off again, logging out and back in iCloud. T...
你还可以在“控制中心”中设置“隔空投送”选项。 在iPhone X 或更新机型上,从屏幕右上角向下轻扫以打开“控制中心”。或者,按照相同的手势操作,在装有 iOS 12 或更高版本或者 iPadOS 的 iPad 上打开“控制中心”。在 iPhone 8 或更早机型上,从屏幕底部向上轻扫。 用力按压或按住左上角的网络设置卡。 按住...
众所周知隔空投诉是依赖蓝牙和Wi-Fi两个部件一起合作完成的,所以如果其中某个部件使用中,那么可能会导致隔空投送功能的无法使用。本次事发的设备为Iphone12——>to>——Macbook Pro M1 + AirPods Pro 2(链接12听歌)暂停音乐播放后就能正常投送,故推测存在这种情况,并更新至检查清单。
Trying to send photos via Airdrop from iPhone to MacBookPro and an iMac and get the same results - "failed." iPhone v 17.2.1 MacBookPro v Sonoma 14.2.1 all updates applied rebooted phone and macbook several times Since IOS 17 this stopped working iphone set for Airdrop "everyone for ...
Why does it take so long for an airdropped image from my iPhone 14 to appear on my MacBook Pro (2018)? This includes on Desktop, Recents, etc. This is a relatively new phenomenon of about 3 months or so. Before now, Airdrop was practically instant. I haven’t had the opportunity ...
"Someone else having trouble sharing from iPhone to Mac via AirDrop? When sharing from Mac to iPhone, I have no trouble at all. B.T.W., I have iPhone 13 and MacBook Pro 2019." - Malin Catharina on Apple Support Community AirDrop is a useful built-in feature on Apple devices to wi...
Airdrop to Mac rarely works well I'm constantly having problems airdropping from my iphone to my macbook pro. More often than not it just flashes "waiting" endlessly on my iphone. Obviously the phone is detecting my mac if I'm able to select it in airdrop. Both are on the same wif...
How to AirDrop from iPhone to Mac Setting up your iPhone for AirDropping files to a Mac is a similar process to that described above. On the sending iPhone or iPad… Check that Bluetooth or Wi-Fi is on: open Control Centre by swiping upwards and make sure the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth ico...