I have thousands of pics from before 1989 and not one single chemtrail. Since then they have multiplied rapidly. Also the sky bears no resemblance to a normal sky and hasnt for years. HAARP and Chemtrails are our doom. These pictures up above are pure government debunking bullshit propaganda!
44 The functions of this client application include personnel login, taking pictures, sending pictures to the server, receiving the brackets recognition result, sending inspection instructions to the server after confirmation, and receiving inspection results. Demonstration of client application is shown in...
The experiment took place in a laboratory at Shanghai Jiao Tong University with a projection wall larger than 24 m2(4 m high and 6 m long). The projector we used in this experiment is able to project the scene of simulated cabin to the screen with its real size. Pictures used to simul...
Another example is the thermal camera component which contains all services related to taking pictures or changing thermal camera parameters. Service: A service provides a simple functionality. The service applies a process over input and output data. For example, inside the autopilot component, we ...
This aircraft was also used for sensor flights in order to obtain information for the synthesis of the control rules and to get pictures for the image processing algorithms. Models of its dynamics were used in the synthesis of the control algorithms and in final real-time simulations. According...
mAP0.5 refers to calculating the AP of all pictures in each category when the IoU is set to 0.5, and then all categories are averaged. mAP0.5–0.95 indicates the average mAP over different IoU thresholds (from 0.5 to 0.95, step 0.05) on the average mAP. The larger the AP value, the ...
Figure 1. Pictures of ice, accreted on the leading edge of the wings and cross-sections, (a,b) glaze ice accreted at −3 °C (c,d) mixed phase ice accreted at −7 °C to −13 °C (e,f), rime ice accreted at −20 °C and below. If an optical ice detector could me...