and to achieve an approximately uniform distribution of surface area and lift between the two wings. In this case an automatic flight controller, for example in the form of control software for controlling corresponding actuators, is provided in order to provide the aircraft with artificial stability...
NAJMABADI KIOUMARSCOLEMAN EDWARD EEVAND MONTE RBLEEG ROBERT JBREUHAUS RICHARD SNELSON TIMOTHY AANDERSON DORR MARSHALLUS6325333 * Jul 20, 2000 Dec 4, 2001 The Boeing Company Aircraft pitch-axis stability and command augmentation system
the center of gravity of the assembly formed by said platform and an operator moving around on this platform falls inside the polygon defined by the support points of said base on the ground: this arrangement gives the trolley optimum stability when an operator is moving around on the platform...
and typically requires computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling, wind tunnel testing, simulation, and envelope expansion during flight testing. Many modern aircraft have relaxed or negative stability, requiring expensive digital flight control software that would have to be rewritten for each proposed ...
Furthermore, Abdelrahman proved that speed brake deflections, on the other hand, have almost no influence on the aircraft stability margin, which is generally increased when wind shear is present [17]. Lindsay et al. [18] experimentally proved that at high angles of attack (𝛼>16°α>16°...
Section 3 presents the proposed control scheme with the detailed designs of the three modules Distributed Observer, Casual Stable Inversion, and Local Measurement Error Rejection Controller. Stability, convergence, and robustness analysis is provided in Section 4, and the theoretical analysis results are...
Airplane Performance, Stability and Control. J. R. Aeronaut. Soc. 1950, 54, 607–608. [Google Scholar] Cusati, V.; Corcione, S.; Ciliberti, D.; Nicolosi, F. Design Evolution and Wind Tunnel Tests of a Three-Lifting Surface Regional Transport Aircraft. Aerospace 2022, 9, 133. [Google ...
Stability, convergence, and robustness of the proposed control are analyzed, showing that (1) the non-minimum phase issue can be systematically resolved by the designed Casual Stable Inversion to ensure aircraft internal stability and flight safety, and (2) the consensus tracking accuracy can be ...
The USAF Stability and Control Digital DATCOM Volume I, Users Manual; McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company: St. Louis, MO, USA, 1979; Available online: (accessed on 12 September 2020). Anderson, R.D.; Flora, C.C.; Nelson, R.M.; ...
The growing trend towards high voltage electrical assets and propulsion in the aeronautics and space industry pose new challenges in electrical insulation materials that cannot be overlooked. Transition to new high voltage electrified systems with unprec