Aero Linx: Aircraft Restoration Co. Aircraft Restoration Co. (ARCo) is a family owned and run engineering operation specialising in the restoration, maintenance and operation of vintage aircraft. From our purpose built hangars set upon the hallowed grounds of former RAF and USAAF Duxford Airfield,...
The B.E.2f restoration utilises an original RAF1A V8 powerplant, and made its debut at the Classic Fighters Omaka airshow in April, 2009.VariantsB.E.2: prewar version - important pioneer tractor biplane B.E.2a: built in small numbers from late 1912 - still a standard type at the ...
The Imperial War Museum facility at Duxford airfield near Cambridge doesn't just house military aircraft. As well as having the world's first jet airliner, the Comet, this might also be the only place where you'll get to walk through the world's most sophisticated jet airliner, the Concor...