International Civil Aviation Organization SAE International SAE International ISO FAA, NAPTP We can tackle your most pressing challenges Keeping your customers needs at the heart of our business FAST Online The Airbus technical magazine FAST (Flight, Airworthiness, Support and Technology)...
Performance-based Standards are facilitated through use of industry "codes of practice", and the Commission endorsed reference to acceptable codes in the development of an updated Annex 6, Part II. Table A shows the origin of amendments together with a list of the principal subjects involved and...
Pavement publications Technical information related to Airbus full-scale test programmes and pavement regulations. We can tackle your most pressing challenges Keeping your customers needs at the heart of our business FAST Online The Airbus technical magazine FAST (Flight, Airworthiness, Support and Technol...
Table 2. ICAO airport reference codes (adapted from ICAO [27]). Code numberReference runway length (m)Code letterWingspan (m)Outer main gear wheel span (m) 1 < 800 A < 15 < 4.5 2 800 to < 1200 B 15 to < 24 4.5 to < 6 3 1200 to <...
The codes entered in the airlineCodes entry should match the text entered here. The ICAO codes do not have to be used, and can be as short as one character, as long as the text strings match, but for clarity use of the ICAO codes is recommended. If mutliple parking codes are entered...
4/13/12 8900.1 CHG 198 VOLUME 4 AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT AND OPERATIONAL AUTHORIZATIONS CHAPTER 9 SELECTED FIELD APPROVALS Section 1 Perform Field Approval of Major Repairs and Major Alterations 4-1176 PROGRAM TRACKING AND REPORTING SUBSYSTEM (PTRS) ACTIVITY CODES. A. Maintenance: 3414, 3416, and 3446....
Every civil aircraft in the world is required to have a unique identifying code, allocated by the country of registration, under a system managed by ICAO – the International Civil Aviation Organization. But in the case of China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan things get rather rather complicated...
ICAO airport codes are sent in the message. Following is a condensed list of various codes used in the ACARS message: AEP AGM ALR ARR DEP DLA ETA GVR POS Standard Message Identifier POSITION_REPORT_WITH_WEATHER_INFORMATION MISCELLANEOUS AG MESSAGE ALERT MESSAGE ARRIVAL REPORT DEPARTURE ...
In order to make the website more usable, I have included a database used by the container to convert the two airline codes used in the messages from IATA to ICAO codes, and to show their long-form name. This data was found from public, free sources. The data had some errors in it...
AeroWeather.This free app gives you current and accurate weather conditions (METAR), weather forecasts (TAF) for flight preparations, plus worldwide airport weather stations from a built-in database by either name or ICAO code. Data is shown in its original format or fully decoded into easy un...