Alsoifusedonwetandenergizedelectricalequipment,itmayaggravate(恶化)currentleakage.SERVICINGAIRCRAFT Typesoffirevs.extinguishingagent ClassDfires:respondtoapplicationofdrypowder,whichpreventsoxidationandtheresultingflame.△Applicationmaybefromanextinguisherorscoopshovel.
33100021-1 Fire Extinguisher Core 1 Learjet 6420093-2 Clock Core 1 Any 6420093-2 Clock Core 1 Any MFR98505-51158 HYD PX Switch Core 1 Any 102AU1AG Sat Probe Core 1 Bombardier Challenger 300, Learjet, Piaggo Avanti II, Hawker 6627401000-003 HSTAB ECU Core 1 Bombardier Learjet 40 C352 ...
FIREWALL FIRE EXTINGUISHER BOTTLE STA72922 / FR112 STA72320 / FR110 B Auxiliary Power Unit General Layout FIGURE-2-12-0-991-002-A01 L_AC_021200_1_0020101_01_00 2-12-0 Page 3 Nov 01/20 @A380 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS - AIRPORT AND MAINTENANCE PLANNING **ON A/C A380-800 Engine and ...
Reciprocating Engine Conventional C02 System - 417 Turbojet Fire Protection System --- 419 Turbine Engine Fire Extinguishing System 420 Turbine Engine Ground Fire Protection --- 422 Fire Detection System Maintenance Practices --- 423 Fire Detection System Troubleshooting --- 425 Fire Extinguisher System...
Fire extinguisher cartridges: Also known as squibs, these miniature explosive devices are designed to activate and expel fire suppressing agents from an aircraft’s storage bottles when a fire occurs. Initiators: These generate pressure and heat to ignite propellants using small, lightweight bridgewire...
Fire Extinguisher System Maintenance Practices 406 Turbojet Aircraft Fire Protection System | Saberliner) 407 CHAPTER 10.— ENGINE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Reciprocating Engine Overhaul 411 General Overhaul Procedures 411 Cylinder Assembly Reconditioning 415 ...
Class B. Cargo and baggage compartments are classified in the “B” category if enough access is provided while in flight to enable a member of the crew to effectively reach all of the compartment and its contents with a hand fire extinguisher and the compartment is so designed that, when ...
Supplied oxygen breathing systems allow for safe discharge of a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, without concerns of the crew inhaling unsafe levels of carbon dioxide. But the Portable Breathing Apparatus offers no more than 15 minutes of... JC Graf - ESA Special Publication 被引量: 0发表: 201...
Check for the source of the fire first. If an electrical fire is indicated (smoke in the cabin), the master switch should be turned "OFF." The cabin vents should be opened and the cabin heat turned "OFF." If installed; use fire extinguisher as required. A landing should be made as ...
Helicopters shall be equipped with at least one hand fire extinguisher in the flight crew compartment. (b) At least one hand fire extinguisher shall be located in, or readily accessible for use in, each galley not located on the main passenger compartment. (c) At least one hand fire extingu...