该【飞机空调系统(Aircraftairconditioningsystem) 】是由【蓝天】上传分享,文档一共【10】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【飞机空调系统(Aircraftairconditioningsystem) 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您...
An air cycle air conditioning system has an air expansion turbine 12 arranged for supplying a flow of turbine expanded air for conditioning a heat load 19. Water extracted at 16 from high pressure supply air upstream of the air expansion turbine 12 is injected into the coolant flow entry 17 ...
1) aircraft airconditioning system 飞机座舱空调系统2) plane cockpit display system 飞机座舱显示系统 例句>> 3) cabin air-conditioning system 座舱空气调节系统4) aircraft air-conditioning system 飞机空调系统 例句>> 5) Cockpit [英]['kɔkpɪt] [美]['kɑk'pɪt] 飞机座舱 1. Design...
The invention relates to an aircraft air conditioning system with at least one compressor, comprising a first conduit which is connected with the pressure side of the compressor and in which one or more cooling means provided downstream of the compressor are arranged for cooling the air compressed...
An air conditioning system for an aircraft includes cascaded high and low pressure turbines, an electric generator that is driven at variable speeds by the low pressure turbine, and a fan that is also driven by the low pressure turbine. During operation of the air conditioning system, ac power...
The system has auxiliary air conditioning units generating conditioned air from fresh air, and constituted of a compressor (16) and a temperature adjustment unit (17). A switching valve (25) supplies a distribution device (24) with the conditioned air respectively from the auxiliary units when an...
The invention relates to an aircraft air conditioning system for merging a pre-cooled bleed air flow with a compressed and pre-cooled ambient air flow to form a mixed air flow, means for dehumidifying the mixed air flow, means for relaxing the mixed air flow and lines for forwarding the mix...
Aircraft environmental control system UPM(公司芬欧汇川集团飞机环境控制系统).pdf,AIRCRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL Environmental control system in aircraft 1 Introduction 1 Cabin air conditioning 3 Pressurization and oxygen control 5 Air source. Bleed air
6. An air conditioning system for cooling an enclosure of a vehicle having a propulsion engine, an air intake and throttling means for reducing the pressure of the intake air, said system comprising a heat exchanger, means for circulating air from the enclosure through one side of the heat ex...