Airconsole Mini weighs even less. - Fast - ready to use in 10 seconds from power on - Long life Lithium Battery* - 14 days switched off, or operate with external power (cable included) - Flexible - Operate as a Wireless AP, AP Client or combination of both. Also bridges WIFI to ...
Add NFC Labels to your existing Airconsole, or new Airconsole Standard or Pro kits. These labels are stuck on the back of the Airconsole and come pre-encoded with your Airconsole WIFI SSID, password, SerialBot Application launcher and serialbot connection settings (9600-8N1). Use NFC labels to...
领先的车载游戏平台AirConsole(由N-Dream拥有)已获得KPIT Technologies的战略投资,KPIT Technologies是汽车和移动生态系统的独立软件集成合作伙伴,以增加AirConsole在车载游戏领域的领先地位。AirConsole车载游戏解决方案于今年早些时候在宝马新车上推出。凭借KPIT在驾驶舱、云和连接领域的软件开发、集成和验证方面的丰富经验,...
IT之家 5 月 27 日消息,宝马汽车宣布与瑞士游戏平台 AirConsole 达成合作,将车载游戏引入本周早些时候全新发布的 5 系纯电动汽车。此外,AirConsole 应用也将在其他宝马车型中推出,这是 AirConsole 首次登陆车载平台。▲ 图源宝马汽车 该车载游戏服务需要将用户的智能手机作为控制器,并将车内的中控大屏作为显示器。
AirConsole is a product by N-Dream, a Swiss startup revolutionizing the gaming industry. Learn more here!
AirConsole is a product by N-Dream, a Swiss startup revolutionizing the gaming industry. Learn more here!
AirConsole 是一款在线视频游戏机。玩130游戏。您的智能手机就是游戏手柄。
全新宝马5系可以玩游戏了?通过AirConsole把手机变成游戏控制器 在车内玩游戏,以前想都不敢想,自从新能源车出现后,在中控大屏上玩游戏渐渐变成了现实。据外媒报道,全新一代宝马5系、i5纯电轿车可以通过AirConsole获得车内游戏。AirConsole平台可让您将智能手机变成视频游戏控制器。接下来让我们看看是怎么回事?就在...