Other A321XLR sections are to be produced at numerous sites: the centre wing box at Airbus's Nantes facility, the rear centre tank at Premium Aerotec in Augsburg, the nose and forward fuselage built at Stelia Aerospace in Toulouse then assembled in Saint-Nazaire, and the wings at Airbus ...
[63] By then, Airbus had completed the first centre wing box 16 months after the first metal cuts, with 200 modifications from the standard design, delivered from Nantes to Hamburg for structural assembly.[64] The fuselage sections, wings, landing gear and tailplanes of the first test ...
Alternance Chargé d'affaires Airbus 2ème-3ème Année (离职员工) - Nantes (44) - 2023年2月16日 J’en poste en alternance dans un service très bienveillant, j’ai tout appris avec eux 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报告 分享 5.05.0星,满分5星。 Super Controlling (离职员工) - Hamburg...
Cross Plant Operations Coordinator 天津市 全职 Fuselage Equipping_Aircraft Manager_3 positions 天津市 全职 VIE - Chine - Recrutement et RH Digital H/F 北京市 全职 Paintshop Manufacturing Engineer 天津市 全职 Skywise China Product Management 天津市 全职 Head of Accountant 北京市 全职 Working Party ...
(In € million) Assets Non‑current assets Intangible assets Property, plant and equipment Investment property Investments accounted for under the equity method Other investments and other long‑term financial assets Non‑current contract assets Non‑current other financial assets Non‑current ...
The article announces that Toulouse, France aerospace technology company Airbus has produced its first composite panel for the A350 XWB center wingbox (CWB) at its Nantes, France facility. The panel reinforced with carbon fiber, is the largest "monobloc" composite manufactured in the said plant. ...
Primarily, the Toulouse assembly plant used the latest version 5 of CATIA (made by Dassault), while the design centre at the Hamburg factory used an older incompatible version 4. Parts of the plane were also designed using Parametric Technology Corporation software. The responsibility for the ...
Each aileron measures 5m/16.4 ft in length, weighs approximately 85 kg/187.4 lb and is manufactured and assembled by specialized technicians using more than 400 parts.Last year, Strata sent a group of 16 technicians to Nantes, France for a five-month intensive training program. a second group...
缺点 que no hay posibilidad de que seas plantilla, sólo subcontratado. 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报告分享 评价您最近的公司 分享您的经验以帮助其他人5.05.0星,满分5星。 Excepcional ambiente de trabajo y conciliación de vida laboral y personal Procurement and supply chain (Internship) (在职员工...
Technicien de maintenance/automaticien (离职员工) - Nantes, B5 - 2014年7月1日 La journée commence par un briefing quotidien pour donner et recevoir des informations.Ensuite chacun prend son service. Les opportunités de développement sont rares IL y a un bon relayage des informations.Les ...