3.3 A380neo 3.4 A380plus 第二部分(市场、订单、运营者、事故、展机、详细特征、流行文化)请参见下一篇文章(点击这里访问) 参见& 参考文献(参见链接) 中文词条参见链接(无法从中国内地访问):点击这里访问。英文词条原文链接(无法从中国内地访问):点击这里访问。本文基于英文词条的线索,并补充部分来自中文词条的内...
Airbus wants to better understand contrails. These are real, and not to be confused with chemtrails, which are not. Chemtrails are a conspiracy theory. StoriesHelicopters Brilliant visibility ahead: the H160 programme’s soaring debut StoriesSecurity ...
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参考译文:主要是A380租赁商的Amedeo拥有22架飞机,其中大部分租给了阿联酋航空,他们希望在2022年租赁到期后找到它们的用途,并研究是否有湿租需求。瑞士飞机经纪公司Sparfell & Partners计划为Dr. Peters的四架前新加坡航空A380中的一部分进行改造,用于国家元首或非常重要人物的交通工具,每架成本不到3亿美元,低于新的...
Airbus releases commercial results in a monthly “Orders and Deliveries” report, which lists all firm aircraft transactions.
Dubai, 1 March 2023 - As the biggest A380 operator in the world with 120 aircraft, the story of the A380 is closely linked to Emirates. The airline has flown more than 100 million passengers to over 60 destinations around the globe on this aircraft. And
一款建立在A330公认价值之上的全新机型。A330neo是空中客车领先的宽体飞机家族的最新成员,包括A330-800和A330-900两种型号。 空中客车A340 空中客车A340是一种由欧洲空中客车公司制造的四发动机远程双过道宽体客机。基本设计上类似于双发空中客车A330,但是发动机多了2台共装备4台。A340最初设计目的是要在远程航线与...
而差距如此悬殊的推力规模都集中在了一个型号上,从侧面也可以看出,空客在市场定位上的慌乱和自家型号设计缺乏综合的市场预判能力,每一次都差一步,无法引领市场(幸运的是在320NEO项目中,空客的后发优势运用的淋漓尽致,这就是另一个故事了)。 在这一切都完成的时候,A380成为了那个最不该出现的人,原本建立在放射形市...
The most popular aircraft among Airbus customers was the A320neo, for which more than 660 orders were made in 2021. In total, by the end of that year, the European company had 7082 aircraft not yet delivered. In mid-December 2021, Airbus won a very indicative victory. The Australian airli...