Accident could set back plans for Airbus A380 superjumbo jetMark Landler
1.9 A330neo(新发动机型号)| New Engine Option 1.10 产量 | Production 2. 设计 | Design 3. 运营历史 | Operational history 第二部分(子型号、运营者、事故、展出、性能规格)请点击这里访问 参见、参考文献、外部链接 关于辽观的维基百科搬运计划,及其他已搬运的词条,请点击这里访问。本文基于英文词条的线索,...
When I was a child I wanted to be an astronaut. I don’t know exactly why, but that was my dream job. Surely, I can recall memories of toys related to space, such as a model of the Challenger that my brother and I played with (I presume it came before the accident), or toys ...
Gone are the traditional Airbus wingtip fences, to be replaced with a sabre like point taking up the outer 4.4 meters (14 feet) of the wing. The high-lift trailing edge of the wing uses the same hinge system as the A380 with spoilers covering the gap created when flaps are extended. T...
The global A320neo fleet had completed more than 5.51 million flights over 11 million block hours with one hull loss being an airport-safety related or non-aeronautical accident.参考译文:到2019年,A320neo在与竞争对手波音737 MAX的竞争中占据了60%的市场份额。截至2023年8月,已有超过130个客户共订购了...
2021年12月1日,《路透社》指出,卡塔尔航空旗下A350 XWB传出部分客机出现机身涂装油漆起泡和防雷击表面腐蚀等飞机表面受损为由,停飞旗下20架A350机队,并与阿曼航空干租A330机队。 空中客车表示:A350 XWB外观上存在着明显毁损,包括油漆起泡和防雷击表面的腐蚀等现象属于正常现象,在正常情况下派飞安全无虞,但是卡塔尔...