Read user reviews for Asiana Airbus A330-300 (333) Layout 1 Submitted bySeatGuru Useron 2020/02/29 for Seat 11K There are what appear to be electronics gear stowed in a plastic box under the seat in front of 11K. This box removes half of the leg room. ...
aimed at strengthening the value chain of aerostructure assembly within Airbus’s industrial setup, this activity being considered as core business. It marks the intention to gain competitiveness, innovation and quality for the benefit of Airbus’s programs of today and tomorrow. ...
The A330-900, A350-900 or 787-9 were being evaluated as potential replacements.[347] 参考译文:主要是A380租赁商的Amedeo拥有22架飞机,其中大部分租给了阿联酋航空,他们希望在2022年租赁到期后找到它们的用途,并研究是否有湿租需求。瑞士飞机经纪公司Sparfell & Partners计划为Dr. Peters的四架前新加坡航空A...
(BTV) autobrake function on the A380, but the system has not been tested and was not available for evaluation. BTV will enable the pilot to specify the target runway exit ahead of landing by using the KCCU to click on the airport map displayed on the ND. On landing, the autobrake ...
Even Emirates, the largest customer of the type with an order of 162, are talking about reducing this order in favour of the Airbus A350-1000. So why has the A380 not sold? There are several factors. Firstly, the expense of an aircraft that requires 4 engines to run. The overhead is...
JetBlue first began operating charters to Cuba in 2011 and now flies to Havana and Santa Clara from New York (JFK), Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood, and Tampa. All flights are operated on 150-seat Airbus A320 aircraft with JetBlue crew members. ...
Airbus states that the seat will be 1.3 cm (0.5 in) wider than a 787 seat in the equivalent configuration. 参考译文:A350采用了全新的复合材料机身,从1号门到4号门保持了恒定的宽度,这与之前的空中客车飞机不同,以提供最大的可用体积[138]。机身的双泡椭圆截面最大外径为5.97米(19.6英尺),而A330/...
Airbus states that the seat will be 1.3 cm (0.5 in) wider than a 787 seat in the equivalent configuration. 参考译文:A350采用了全新的复合材料机身,从1号门到4号门保持了恒定的宽度,这与之前的空中客车飞机不同,以提供最大的可用体积[138]。机身的双泡椭圆截面最大外径为5.97米(19.6英尺),而A330/...