The uncompromised clean sheet design of the A350-900 delivers capacity, range, and economics, while providing the best cabin environment, results in ultimate flexibility for operators. As the cornerstone member in Airbus’ A350 Family, the A350-900 accommodates 300-350 passengers in a standard thre...
我們的 A350-900 是世界上最現代化的民航飛機之一,為您提供無與倫比的全新舒適標準。 其先進機艙提供極致寬敞的空間、領先業界的寧靜環境,身處如此優雅放鬆的客艙,讓您充分享受旅程。 盡享空間。 A350-900 的所有客艙級別均提供更寬敞的空間,讓您更自由地活動、伸展,盡享舒適。
我們的 A350-900 是世界上最現代化的民航飛機之一,為您提供無與倫比的全新舒適標準。 其先進機艙提供極致寬敞的空間、領先業界的寧靜環境,身處如此優雅放鬆的客艙,讓您充分享受旅程。 盡享空間。 A350-900 的所有客艙級別均提供更寬敞的空間,讓您更自由地活動、伸展,盡享舒適。
Airbus A350-1000Airbus A350-900 features and seating plan Passenger capacity Business: 38 (flat bed) Premium Economy: 28 Economy: 214 Total Passengers: 280 Available Baby bassinet Emergency exit row with extra legroom Galley Toilet Toilet suitable for passenger with reduced mobility ...
Airbus A350-900Airbus A350-1000 Go Airbus A350-900 features and seating plan Passenger capacity Business: 38 (flat bed) Premium Economy: 28 Economy: 214 Total Passengers: 280 Available Baby bassinet Emergency exit row with extra legroom
At the Airport Transit Service In-flight Service B787 Dreamliner B777-300ER Experience A330 Experience Dining Entertainment Duty-Free Inflight Internet Services Cabin Layout FAQ Aircraft: A350-900(359) Total Number of Seats314 Seat TypeBusiness ClassPremium Economy ClassEconomy Class ...
Aircraft:A350-900(359) Total Number of Seats276 Seat TypeBusiness ClassPremium Economy ClassEconomy Class Number of Seats2824262 Seat Pitch(inch)433832 Seat Width(inch)2318.817.5 Seat Tilt180°76 Individual TV display (inches)18.5 11.6(First row)/13.3(Others) ...
Learn more about the A350-900 and A350-1000 on Airbus Aircraft. You might also be interested in Discover more A350 Cabin A220 Family The A220 Family was designed to feel like a widebody aircraft and has become the clear favourite of passengers in the single… ...
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