Only 7 years old aircraft(A333,in detail: A330-343 / TC-LOF) , seating different to plan here (see photo). Everyting inside looking quite old and a bit chubby. Not sure if the seats were really flatbeds, doubt it. Despite the look and feel of the aircraft, service and food was re...
Air France charges an additional € 70 to reserve a seat on the Upper Deck for seats AB and KL (rows 88-94). The seat plan is named Duo Seat in a Row of 2. The seats feature an extra 2 inches of legroom on the upper deck. These seats might be available, free of charge, for...
? ? Toulouse (France) pour les A320, A300/310, A330, A340 et A380; Hambourg (Allemagne) pour les A318, A319, A321 et quelques A320. Tianjin (Chine) pour les A320, dans le cadre d'une coentreprise détenue à 51% par Airbus. Le plan Power 8 prévoit cependant une spécialisation ...