The ITA Airways Airbus A330-900neo aircraft are configured 30J 24W 237M Diagram updated 9 Apr 2024 Business Thirty Thompson Vantage XL seats arranged in a staggered 1-2-1 pattern Converts to 76" flat bed Static 17.3" 4K-UHD touch screen display with bluetooth audio USB-A, USB-C, and ...
A330NEO由两款机型A330-800neo和A330-900neo组成,其运营商可获得最多1,500海里的额外续航里程,并可减少燃料消耗和维护成本。A330-900neo的外形尺寸与空客的A330-300相同,是一款更高效、更舒适的飞机。 成功之上 2014年7月,在广受欢迎的双通道、双引擎、宽体A330CEO家族成功的基础上,空客推出了A330NEO喷气客机。
【参考译文】与座位数为283座、9排座位的787-9相比,空客声称A330neo-900的燃油消耗降低了1%:其中3%是由于比OEW高4-5吨(8,800-11,000磅),但由于翼展比较大4米(13英尺),燃油消耗降低了4%,在287座、8排座位配置下,每个座位的燃油消耗降低了3%,在303座、9排座位布局下达到7%的降低比例。 5. 运营者 | ...
Today, the A321neo and the A330neo have proven to deliver up to 30% lower operating costs when operated together. Equally, the A330neo and the A350 partnership is not only extremely versatile from regional to ultra-long-range, but also highly efficient, with 25% lower fuel burn and CO2em...
A330neo 客機開創多個先河,機艙結合現代、實用和精心策劃的機上體驗。客機的概念既簡單又震撼人心——將中程客機的舒適、私隱和便利水平提升至可媲美更遠程的客機。 更優質的商務艙 寬敞的套間設有高牆和保障私隱的門,塑造個人「迷你套間」,所有座位均可直接通往走道,以便利行動為優先考量。
2018年10月,A330neo如期进行了首飞测试,ceo系列的200和300对应升级到neo的800 与900。相比320neo百分之99的升级都在新发动机上,330在升级发动机的同时还带来了350上的墨镜涂装和翼尖小翼,外修颜值的同时,空客还通过对起落架和支撑结构的强化,使330neo的最大起飞重量来到了251吨,相较ceo增加了6吨有效载荷。
“By extending the envelope of operation of the A330neo, which was successful, we can show to the operators, the current one or the new ones, that the aircraft reaches the same capability of the A330ceo in term of high-altitude operations – and with the advantage that ...
The A330-900 is the bigger variant in the A330neo family, which can accommodate more passengers than the A300-800. Do the A330-800 and the A330-900 have the same engines? Yes, both variants are equipped with the new Rolls-Royce Trent 7000 engines, which provide -25% fuel burn compar...
2023年11月9日,空中客车公司在上海介绍,作为A330系列飞机家族的最新成员,高效灵活的“新生代多面手”A330neo系列飞机已蓄势待发,将为中国民航远航高飞,实现高质量发展增添新运力。发展历程 制定计划 空中客车A330和A340系列是欧洲空中客车工业公司研制生产的双过道宽机身中远程客机,空中客车公司在分析世界主要航空...