Comparison of Airbus A320 Family and Boeing 737 CharakteristicsLelek Matěj
由于受到1970年代石油危机的影响,空中客车工业希望通过减低燃油消耗来与对手竞争,所以和A310一样,A320身上也有许多革命性的新技术,包括电传飞行控制系统、电子飞行仪表、二人驾驶舱同分隔式油舱(允许通过重新分配燃油分配来调整飞机重心)等等。这些设计令A320的耗油量比波音737低了五成,大大减低了运营成本。 A320在1984...
Airbus designs, manufactures and delivers industry-leading commercial aircraft, helicopters, military transports, satellites, launchers and more.
同时,A320neo的机体亦有所改变,除加装新设计的翼尖小翼外,机内行李箱空间和空气过滤系统亦有改善以提高乘客的舒适度[3]。 By 2019, the A320neo had a 60% market share against the competing Boeing 737 MAX.[4] As of August 2023, a total of 9,684 A320neo family aircraft had been ordered by mo...
China's homegrown C919 takes on the B737 and the A320 But move over Airbus and Boeing. China's COMAC has rolled out its indigenous 164-seat single-aisleC919passenger jet that took to the skies in May 2023. Any possible safety or efficiency concerns could easily be swept aside by the poli...
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COLUMBUS, OHIO (June 1, 2021) –Today, FlightSafety International, the premier professional aviation training company, announced the qualification of its new Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 MAX simulators.The A320 simulator incorporates NEO engine configurations that can replicate Pratt & Whitney ...
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Airbus holds dear. It is almost certain that COMAC will refine the C919 and improve its range, and with a possible stretch, easily push that capacity up to the A320neo. Now that the C919 is officially in service,the Airbus-Boeing duopoly could be in troublefor the first time in decades....