MM62243. Airbus A319-115(CJ). is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online!
MM62243. Airbus A319-115(CJ). is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online!
Airbus A319-115X/CJ - P4-VNL (Global Jet Luxembourg) by Jerome LUDRY - Share your aviation pictures and discover thousands of high resolution photographs, airlines' information, manufacturers, world airports, etc ...
FlightAware 航空照片: Airbus A319 (双发)(P4-VNL), Global Jet Luxembourg Airbus A319-115(CJ) P4-VNL in Bari LIBD
Airbus A319-115X CJ 点赞是美德,打赏是鼓励 打赏 还没有人打赏,快来当第一个打赏的人吧 1 暂无评论 同步到新浪微博 匿名评论 关于我们 已经有超过两千万的摄影爱好者入驻了图虫 在这里,发现基于共同兴趣的同好,鼓励原创和分享精神 除了美好的摄影和技能,我们更在意影像背后价值观的认同 下载APP ...
Airbus A319CJ* * Generally similar to theAirbus A319-100except in the following particulars. Airbus A319-112 9A-CTL Croatia Airlines Airbus A319-115X CJ G-NOAH Airbus A319-112 D-AKNL Germanwings Airbus A319-132 YU-APE Air Serbia VP-BTQ Airbus A319-114 Rossia ...
CJ(A319-115orA319-133) Note:MOD34097:ELACSYSTEM(ELEVATORAILERONCOMPUTER)-ACTIVATE THEAILERONANTI-DROOPFUNCTION RefertoTable2forinterchangeability/mixability. (c)A319-112withaileronanti-droopfunction-POST-MOD34097 RefertoTable3forinterchangeability/mixability. (d)A319CJ(A319-115orA319-133) RefertoTable4for...
D-APGS. Airbus A319-115(CJ). is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online!