Seating details Seat map key PitchWidthSeating details Economy 29 18 220 standard seats In-flight amenities Food The food available to passengers varies based on flight length. Passengers may also special order food for babies, children's meals and vegetarian meals by emailing n4@nordwindairlines...
Seating detailsSeat map key Pitch/ Bed LengthWidthSeating details First Class83 / 8323 4 closed suites Business Class44 / 7822 35 flat bed seats PitchWidthSeating details Economy With Extra Legroom3618 27 standard seats Economy31-3218 220 standard seats ...
Discover the rest of the A330 Family Our Aircraft Powering into the future A versatile champion The lowest seat-mile cost widebody A low-risk widebody
Seat design, materials are also far better than in the early days, it is a nice quality detailed cockpit now. Any new ToLiss release comes with some really nice new features, and almost everything noted here will usually flow over on to the other ToLiss aircraft over the next period o...
Seat Map ※ The above image is one of our aircraft, and the layout of seats may vary depending on flight. Details of seats ① Front seat /Emergency exit seat② Normal A seat③ Normal B seat④ Normal C seat 1st row/emergency exit seat Rows 2-9 10th to 19th row All seats except ①...
« At the heart of Airbus, Airbus Atlantic aims at meeting the great challenges linked to a sustainable aviation industry, pioneering new technologies”, said Cédric Gautier, CEO of Airbus Atlantic. “Our first mission will be to ensure the satisfaction of all our customers and to establish ...
Build around the 350, phase out the 330, and build something new for the 220-280 seat class with ranges of 4000 – 6000Nm. dukeofurl July 1, 2017 Anton , the fuel capacity now days is generally fixed no matter what the fuselage length, so those small changes in passenger numbers ...
Company", a European public limited-liability company (Societas Europaea) with its seat (statutaire zetel) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, its registered address at Mendelweg 30, 2333 CS Leiden, The Netherlands, and registered with the Dutch Commercial Register (Handelsregister) under number 242889...
Discover the rest of the A330 Family Our Aircraft Powering into the future A versatile champion The lowest seat-mile cost widebody A low-risk widebody
Seating details Seat map key PitchWidthSeating details Economy 29 18 220 standard seats In-flight amenities Food The food available to passengers varies based on flight length. Passengers may also special order food for babies, children's meals and vegetarian meals by emailing n4@nordwindairlines...