Airbus, in cooperation with Japan Airlines (JAL) and JAL Engineering has developed a prototype application supporting new training solutions, taking advantage of the world’s most advanced… Airlines and Aviation Cathay Dragon pens major deal to revamp fleet ...
Airbus est le chef de file au Canada pour les hélicoptères civils et parapublics, avec plus de 760 appareils pour plus de 220 clients à travers le pays. Le site de fabrication de Fort Erie est un centre d'excellence en matière d'ingénierie et de fabrication de matériaux composites, ...
Airbus est le chef de file au Canada pour les hélicoptères civils et parapublics, avec plus de 760 appareils pour plus de 220 clients à travers le pays. Le site de fabrication de Fort Erie est un centre d'excellence en matière d'ingénierie et de fabrication de matériaux composites, ...
A world without technical and operational interruptions Read more Cabin & system upgrades For maximum efficiency and enhanced in-flight experience. Read more Discover more A320 family members Our Aircraft The Performance winner High altitude operations Short runways capabilities 99% Commonality...
Discover more A320 family members Our Aircraft The Unrivalled Efficiency Leader Versatility across the market
Airbus Helicopters, founded in 1969 in Grand Prairie, TX, is a leading U.S. provider for air medical transport, law enforcement, tourism, and business ops.
The ACJ319neo and ACJ320neo are offering expansive cabin space, advanced technology, and exceptional comfort for unparalleled business travels.
[220][221]参考译文:前泰国航空公司的A330-300 HS-TEF自2017年起被保留下来,作为泰国北榄府Sida的Airways Land咖啡馆。[220][221] Air Diamond Cafe in Chiang Mai, Thailand uses the former Thai Airways A330-300 HS-TEG[222] at its main premises.[223][224]参考译文:泰国清迈的Air Diamond咖啡馆在...
the Tianjin line delivered 51 in 2016 and it could assemble six per month from four as it starts producing A320neos in 2017; 147 Airbus were delivered in 2016 in China, 20% of its production, mostly A320-family, a 47% market share as the country should become the world's largest marke...
World fleet Charter fleet Typical pax Cabin volume Cruise Range Years Airbus A321 6 5 220 1992 - 2021 Airbus A321-200 21 14 199 1992 - 2021 Airbus ACJ321 0 0 19 8863 cu ft 467 kts 4,590 nm 1997 - current Supplemental Type Certificates Browse or search through all recent STCs. 06/07...