Soho, Manhattan, New York. Image © Ryan DeBerardinis via Shutterstock New York City’s Local Law 18, also known as the Short-Term Rental Registration Law, came into effect on September 5, changing the way in which short-term apartment rentals operate in the city. The new local legislatio...
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Lisa Grossman, a former short-term-rental host in Hell’s Kitchen, a Manhattan neighbourhood, calls the new law a “roommate set-up”, where neither the guest nor the host has privacy. 丽莎·格罗斯曼曾是曼哈顿地狱厨房社区的短租房东,她称新法令是一种 "室友设置",房客和房东都没有隐私。“The...
拥有房间数目top10的房东 房间数量top10中的前9位都是来自于Manhattan,这些房东最繁忙。 Part5 小结汇总 1.Manhattan和Brooklyn的房间数量较多,占总数的85%以上。 2.房型主要为Entire house/apt和Private room, Shared room所占比例较少。 3.价格不超过$100的房间数量最多,占总数的49%. 4.的房间均价最高,高价...
房价从10刀一晚到10,000刀一晚不等,10,000刀一晚的房源出现在:Greenpoint, Brooklyn, Astoria, Queens, Upper and West Side, Manhattan 等地区(想天天开这种房) Airbnb之所以成功,就是得益于它上至城市,下至乡村的广泛房源。所以这几年,无论是出租房屋的人还是租房的游客,都在快速增长。在纽约,第一个订单...
房价从10刀一晚到10,000刀一晚不等,10,000刀一晚的房源出现在:Greenpoint, Brooklyn, Astoria, Queens, Upper and West Side, Manhattan 等地区(想天天开这种房) Airbnb在纽约的快速成长 Airbnb之所以成功,就是得益于它上至城市,下至乡村的广泛房源。所以这几年,无论是出租房屋的人还是租房的游客,都在快速增...
Most rentals are in three high-profile Manhattan neighborhoods. Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island barely figure. Airbnb上的屋主确实在赚钱,但范围有限。大多数出租屋都位于三个知名的曼哈顿居住区。而皇后区、布朗克斯区和史坦顿岛的出租屋则很少。 Airbnb declined to aggressively dispute the numbers ...
曼哈顿风投公司Manhattan Venture Partners研究总监桑托什·拉奥(Santosh Rao)表示,他在2016年4月针对私人投资者客户的一项研究报告结果显示,Airbnb“产生现金流的能力很强”以及“尚未动用任何融资款。” 有消息人士称, 2015年前黑石集团CFO劳伦斯·托西 (Laurence Tosi)担任Airbnb新任CFO后,公司在2016年下半年的盈利进程...
Lisa Grossman, a former short-term-rental host in Hell’s Kitchen, a Manhattan neighbourhood, calls the new law a “roommate set-up”, where neither the guest nor the host has privacy. 丽莎·格罗斯曼曾是曼哈顿地狱厨房社区的短租房东,她称新法令是一种 "室友设置",房客和房东都没有隐私。
Lisa Grossman, a former short-term-rental host in Hell’s Kitchen, a Manhattan neighbourhood, calls the new law a “roommate set-up”, where neither the guest nor the host has privacy. 丽莎·格罗斯曼曾是曼哈顿地狱厨房社区的短租房东,她称新法令是一种 "室友设置",房客和房东都没有隐私。