” Others argue that they make neighbourhoods worse. Vijay Dandapani, of the Hotel Association of New York City (which has an interest in squishing Airbnb), said “I live in a condo. I can tell you I don’t want people coming in at 1am.” 其他人认为,这会让社区变得更糟。纽约市酒店...
Others argue that they make neighbourhoods worse. Vijay Dandapani, of the Hotel Association of New York City (which has an interest insquishingAirbnb), said “I live in acondo. I can tell you I don’t want people coming in at 1am.” 其他人认为,这会让社区变得更糟。纽约市酒店协会(该...
A new municipal law requires hosts of short-term rentals of less than 30 days to register with New York City. 纽约市新法律要求租期少于 30 天的短租房东必须进行登记。 [Paragraph 3] The city also requires that hosts be present during the stay and guests must have full access to the entire ...
美国时间 5 月 3 日,纽约市审计官办公室(New York City Comptroller)发布了一份报告,表示 Airbnb 拉高了纽约租房价格,Airbnb 上的房源越多,纽约房租越高。Airbnb 很快对此进行了反驳,并出具了文件,认为报告内容都是 “snow job”(可以理解为拍马屁),受到了 “强大的特殊利益的影响”,显然,这里指的...
纽约政府认为airbnb其实就是属于旅馆性质,因此其相关行为也必须受到New York City building code的限制。房东必须确认所在的地区的zoning law 以及自己的房屋结构符合法律对于旅馆的要求。并且由此得到的收益也必须依旧美国税法进行合法纳税。 总得来说,虽然airbnb上纽约的房屋列表还是很长,但是大部分可能都不符合纽约法律...
No. 8 - 纽约市 (New York City) 纽约可以说是电影电视剧里的常客了,「老友记」里的真挚友情、「欲望都市」里的爱情套路、「华尔街」里的商场风云等等,都不断地加深人们对这座估计大都市的印象:所有事情都能在纽约发生。 人们热衷于踏足这片梦想之地,大概是因为他们能在这里找到不同的文化。如果厌倦了大都市...
New York City’s Local Law 18, also known as the Short-Term Rental Registration Law, came into effect on September 5, changing the way in which short-term apartment rentals operate in the city. The new local legislation dictated that from now on, short-term rental hosts in the city must...
origindata = CSV.read("data/newyork-city-airbnb-open-data/AB_NYC_2019.csv", DataFrame) 观察数据 你可以像教程那样 也可以,像我一样,用excel打开 csv 文件 我写了一个表格,记录我观察到的结果 你可以用这段代码来观察 missing 的数据量 for column in names(origindata) ...
Employing a one-way fixed-effects spatial Durbin model, it can be concluded that demand is price-inelastic for Airbnb accommodation in New York City, which is a luxury good, and that the city's traditional accommodation industry as well as neighboring Airbnb listings are substitutes for the ...
Tokyo东京 Paris巴黎 Osaka大阪 New York City纽约市 London伦敦 Rome罗马 Orlando奥兰多 Miami迈阿密 Sydney悉尼 Lisbon里斯本 有哪些新的热点目的地?而从增幅上看,有一些城市则是沾了2018年的光。比如江陵市明年的预订量增长了2175%,跻身热门目的地之列。原因是,2018年冬季奥运会将在韩国平昌(两地相距30min车程...