– Stay with hosts for free, usually in exchange for also hosting others on your “couch” for free. Not a direct competitor of Airbnb, but worth consideration for the extremely budget conscious traveler.– A new startup competitor of Airbnb, with a good user in...
I have used airbnb a lot in the past and generally advice against it. I have numerous stories of sexualt assault, fishy hosts (I mean come on who in their right mind rents out rooms in their own house?) and cheap guests (guess why the reviews are so overly good – they would do ...
The recentexplosion of visitorsto Japan looking to travel on the cheap meant Airbnb’s started popping up in unzoned areas to capitalise on the new demand. Being an ultra-conservative country, locals filed an overwhelming number of “tourist pollution” complaints: unruly tourists coming and goin...
With $38M In Funding, Mimosa Networks Comes Out Of Stealth To Make Wireless Broadband Affordable — There's a growing digital divide between consumers who live in highly dense areas where it's relatively cheap and easy to deploy fiber, versus more rural areas that lack the underlying infrastruc...
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Vacation rental company Airbnb sees a huge opportunity to grow its long-term rental business as short-term rentals are under growing scrutiny in tourist hot spots like Athens and Barcelona. The company is focused on growing its long-term rental business, whic...
"They [Airbnb] have the wherewithal to do it," the investor said, referring to acquiring an online travel agency such as New York-based CheapOair or eDreams Odigeo of Barcelona. "The question is: Do they want to do this?" Based on eDreams Odigeo's 2017 outlook of $481 million in ...
It was reported that New York City has over 40,000 home-share listings and each earns an average of US$5,700 (RM23,300) a month. Study the homestay industry I REFER to the reports “Home versus hotels” and “Travellers drawn to cheap prices” ( Sunday Star, July 3) and “Govern...
Why Uber Continues to Burn Through All Its Cash:Ride-sharing services like Uber trumpet that they provide a cheap, easy way to zip around cities anywhere in the world. That may be true, but that’s because someone else is silently picking up part of the cost, and that can’t last ...
“belonging” that drove people to Airbnb or whether they just wanted a cheap and cool place to stay. Media outlets lampooned the Bélo, not for its idealism so much as its shape, which they said looked alternately like breasts, buttocks, and both male and female genitalia all at once. ...
Discontinuous shifts in technologies, most notably the emergence of widespread Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the form of internet connectivity and access to cheap computing power, have paved the way for new business models (Björkdahl, 2009) and competitive turbulence (...