Muster your past experiences in travel photography to get an idea of what equipment you used the most and what gear never came out of the bag. Do you need to take the holy trinity of 2.8 zooms or will a stabilised 18-200mm travel lens suit better? Will you need that flashgun? It ...
Category: air travel Quite a Month ABOVE: E.B. White presented us with a mixed bag of February happenings, from the comings and goings of Neily Vanderbilt to the Macon disaster and the economic power of Mickey Mouse. The title for this entry comes from E.B. White’s“Notes and ...
Have spray gun will travel: ; Airbrushed makeup and tanning salon is mobile, tooRosalie Earle
air travel空中旅行 air vehicle空中运载工具 air war空战 air way通风孔 air well通风井 ~+后置定语 air conditioned装有空调的 air cooled用冷气调节的 air driven由压缩空气推动的 air proof密不透气的,不通气的 air sick晕机的 air tight不透气的
Air travel is down in the United States although it is slowly coming back. And while air travel is down that doesn't mean airport security is finding fewer loaded guns. In fact, in many cases airport security is finding guns at a much higher rate than they were before the coronavirus pan...
A.airportID B.boardingpass C.luggagetagreceipt D.bothBandC2.Thebestwaytocheckinwithonlyacarry-onbagisto___.A.proceedtothecheck-incounterfortheairline B.findaselfcheck-inticketmachineC.waitinlineatthecheck-inticketcounters D.passthroughthesecuritycheckpointUnit2 AirTravelTextA2ComprehensionChoosethebest...
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook airlift (redirected fromAirlifter) Thesaurus Encyclopedia air·lift (âr′lĭft′) n. 1.A system of transporting troops, civilian passengers, or supplies by air, as in an emergency or when surface routes are blocked. ...
(redirected from air-gun)Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Encyclopedia. air the atmosphere: The air is fresher in the mountains.; expose: air grievances; a tune: She hummed an air. Not to be confused with: err –be mistaken or incorrect; to go astray morally; sin; trans...
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1. air(教材 P24)(2020 ·全国卷Ⅱ) The farm is situated at the foot of a mountain, the sky is and the air is fresh.农场坐落在山脚下,天空蔚蓝,空气清新。熟义(2020 ·浙江高考) We yelled at the bear, hit pots hard,and fired blank n.shotgun shells into the air.我们对熊...