air traffic controller. As an ordinary passenger, that long training process is very reassuring. However, as a potential air traffic controller, the long wait may be a turn-off to many, especially considering that there is a time limit: the FAA will not hire new ATCs older than 30 due ...
FAA, Air Traffic Controllers at Odds Over SecurityDon Phillips
"For over four decades we have reported on challenges facing FAA's modernization of its air traffic control systems," the GAO said. "In February 1982, FAA released its first comprehensive plan for improving air traffic control services. As we subsequently reported in several products, FAA faced ...
FAA data shows delays after air traffic controller relocation Colin Scoggins, a retired Boston-based controller, says that many delays can potentially cause a ripple effect. "All the way up and down the coast, north and south. If it starts increasing delays into that one airport, it can back...
FAA Reins In Air-Traffic Controllers.Reviews the results of an internal investigation into operations at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Review that some air-traffic control facilities have in some cases undermined flying safety; Prevalence of problems in the skies over Dallas, Texas; ...
Additionally, it is the right of the air traffic controller to change the 'audio' call sign for the period the flight is in his sector if there is a risk of confusion, usually choosing the aircraft registration identifier instead. 【参考译文】一般来说,如果航班向东飞,航班号为偶数;如果向西飞...
[8] Currently in the U.S., the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) operates 22 Air Route Traffic Control Centers. 【参考译文】美国第一个机场交通管制塔于1930年在克利夫兰开放,用于管制特定机场的飞机起降和地面移动。20世纪50年代采用雷达技术后,建立了进近/离场管制设施,以监控和管制大型机场周围繁忙的...
To test your skills as an air traffic controller, see pages 17 through 67 of the "Gate to Gate" CD ROM: Student Activity and Career Guidance Package. Air traffic controllers at all levels are employed by the FAA. To become an air traffic controller, you must apply through the federal ...
air-traffic controllerN→controlador(a)m/faéreo/a see alsoairD Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005 ...
Air Traffic Control (ATC) will use a powerful Light Gun to Signal the Pilot in the event of Radio Communications failure or other emergency when the pilot does not have a working Radio in the aircraft. On ground or in flight condition have 3 colour signal. ...