This is a report of an occupational survey of the Air Traffic Control career ladder conducted by the Air Force Occupational Measurement Squadron (AFOMS). The current Air Traffic Control career ladder was created in October 1993 with the conversion from AFSC 272XO to AFSC 1C1X1. Survey data ...
Your AFSC determines what CCAF degree you are enrolled in, you are not able to choose another degree type. If you retrain into another job or an additional duty such some of the 7xxxx / 8xxxx / 9xxxx series, you can get that degree in addition to the degree from your career field. ...
1C - Command & Control Systems Operations:The Command and Control Systems Operations Career Field involve aerospace surveillance and aerospace vehicle detection, including missile warning systems, This career field includes CCT, TACP, and Air Traffic control and get highly involved with close air suppor...
[multicolor_pregress width_1=”83″ width_2=”17″ text_1=”Male – 83%” text_2=”Female – 17%” bg_color_1=”#5548E0″ bg_color_2=”#F75EEB”] 1C1XX – Air Traffic Control [multicolor_pregress width_1=”84″ width_2=”16″ text_1=”Male – 84%” text_2=”Female –...
Variances to AFMS 135A, whether positive or negative, will be coordinated on by the MFM and CFM prior to sub- mission to the Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA). The AFECD identifies mandatory and mini- mum requirements for entry into and award/retention of AFSC 1C3X1. Additional on-the...
The Special Weapons Center assumed management of Air Force Systems Command's (AFSC) test and evaluation facilities at Holloman AFB, near Alamogordo, New Mexico, during the summer of 1970. And, just one year later on July 1, 1971, Kirtland merged with Manzano and Sandia Base's, its ...
The culture of the Air Force depends heavily on your leadership, the Airmen you serve with and the AFSC (Air Force Specialty Code) or your job (Security Forces, Pilot, Services etc).The most difficult part of the job is being away from loved ones when deployed. The most enjoyable part ...
Air traffic control systemsPersonnel developmentRadarAir force personnelArraysJob analysisJobsMaintenanceManagement planning and controlProductionThis report presents the results of an Air Force occupational survey of the Air Traffic Control Radar Specialty (AFSC 303X1). Fifty-seven Percent (N=769) of the...
Air traffic control systemsSurveysCareersAir force trainingReportsThis is a report of an occupational survey of the Air Traffic Control career ladder (AFSC 272X0). This survey was conducted to collect data for use in validating training documents. The current Specialty Training Standard (STS) is ...
Air traffic controllersElectronicsSurveysInventoryJob analysisSkillsAir Force personnelThis is a preliminary report of the Electronic Principles Survey of the Air Traffic Control Radar career ladder (AFSC 303X1). It was completed by the Occupational Analysis Branch, USAF Occupational Measurement Center in ...