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)Reference - 引用性 / 耦合性 (代码是否引用了一些不受其直接控制的外部因素,由这些外部因素所引入的前置条件或后置条件所造成的影响是否符合预期?)Existence - 存在性 (值是否存在(例如:非 null,非零,存在于某个集合中等)? )Cardinality - 基数性 : 计数性 (是否恰好有足够的值?(重点关注 0-1-n ...
whitebox-geospatial-analysis-tools - An open-source GIS and remote sensing package. World Wind Java SDK - Nasa cross-platform Java SDK. JavaScript ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript - Build high-performing 2D and 3D mapping applications supported by Esri. arc.js - Calculate great circles routes as...
Participants were stratified into 9 groups by air pollutants (Q1, Q2-Q4, Q5) and NDVI greenness (Q1, Q2-Q4, Q5) categories, with participants exposed to low air pollution (Q1) and high NDVI greenness (Q5) (least-impacted group) acting as the reference group. RERI was used to examine ...
Contaminated raw water source • Cross connections • Leakage of pipe • Water rationing thus leading to use of a lot of containers for water storage • Contaminated raw water source • Waterborne diseases • Heavy metal poisoning • Cancer • Dengue • Monitoring by drinking water ...
with higher air pollution concentrations throughout the transition. When crafting public policy for energy transitions, decision-makers can use this work as a source for indicating the need for holistic multiple objective approaches to energy system planning if we are going to ensure an equitable and...
Given that clean indoor air cannot be achieved in the presence of elevated outdoor levels, whatever the source, there also needs to be greater coordination between agencies responsible for household energy and pollution, and those dealing with outdoor air. This inter-relationship between indoor and...
We estimated the association between air pollutant exposure and race times using mixed-effects linear models. First, we used the backwards stepwise AIC function to select the covariates of the base mixed-effects linear model without the crossbasis terms for air pollution exposure. Next, for each ...
The client library uses multipart upload automatically if the object/blob size is more than 8 MB - source code. The client also handles retries automatically the generation parameter is deprecated in GoogleCloudStorageHook.delete and GoogleCloudStorageHook.insert_object_acl. Updating to google-cloud-...
(70 μg/m3) as the reference threshold, which showed no clear trend over the years (Fig.4d). Most long-term clean air population for MDA8 O3is found in western Europe. Fig. 4: Population exposure to long-term air pollutants in Europe....