0-50 优秀 51-100 中等 101-150 对敏感人群不健康 151-200 不健康 201-300 非常不健康 301+ 危险 排名城市美国 AQI⁺关注 1 德里, 印度 285 2.7M关注 2 拉合尔, 巴基斯坦 208 425.9K关注 3 河內市, 越南 188 2.2M关注 4 孟买, 印度 162 ...
air quality index与air pollution index的指数范围都是0~500,含义相同,分级相同.国内API,国外AQI,他们有没有区别呢? 扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得 答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 区别一,监控内容更全面 API指数由PM10、二氧化硫和二氧化氮3项的污染指数取最大值得来,通常情况下这三者的最大值是PM10污染...
Imari, Saga has the most polluted air according to the Swiss air monitoring company, IQAir.com with a US AQI figure of 63. This is possibly due to the widespread manufacture of porcelain in and around this area. Imari porcelain is exported worldwide and is of very high quality. ...
埃尔祖鲁姆省 2024-11-27 20:00 AQI (英国标准) 空气污染低 3 污染物 O3 μg/m³ 72.7 PM10 μg/m³ 21.3 PM2.5 μg/m³ 3.6 NO2 μg/m³ 20.5 SO2 μg/m³ 6.8 天气 ℃ -3℃ 93% 12 kph 0 of 11 历史数据
Air pollution levelAir quality indexMain pollutant Moderate60*US AQI⁺ PM2.5 PollutantsConcentration PM2.513.9*µg/m³ O337.2*µg/m³ NO24.9*µg/m³ ! PM2.5 x2.8 PM2.5 concentrationin Lognes is currently 2.8 times the WHO annual air quality guideline value ...
Air pollution levelAir quality indexMain pollutant Good9*US AQI⁺PM2.5 PollutantsConcentration PM2.51.6*µg/m³ ✓ PM2.5 concentrationin Clearview air currently meetsthe WHO annual air quality guideline value Health recommendations What is the current air quality in Clearview?
Air Quality(AQI)你可能也会喜欢 aehr 天气 紫外线指数 - 太阳光线 天气
空气质量指数(Air Quality Index,简称AQI)是定量描述空气质量状况的指数,其数值越大说明空气污染状况越严重,对人体健康的危害也就越大.根据国家标准,指数在0-50之间时,空气质量为优;在51-100之间时,空气质量为良;在101-150之间时,空气质量为轻度污染;在151-200之间时,空气质量为中度污染;在大于200时,空气质量为...
matters such as ozone (O3), PM10, carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen and sulfur dioxides all making up the components used to calculate the AQI, or air quality index. For the sake of simplicity (as well as its prevalence), PM2.5 will be mainly used to discuss Israel’s air quality ...