Compare real-time worldwide air quality levels with AirVisual's interactive air quality and pollution map. Learn from PM2.5 trends and our ranking of most polluted cities in the world.
Wildfire Map Spotlight: Franklin Fire, California 6 days ago 5 Holiday travel tips for clean air and better health 2023 AQI⁺ country ranking How does Indonesia rank globally in air pollution? 14/134 Which country had the worst air quality in 2023?
In poorly insulated buildings, the ingress of the outdoor air takes place through cracks and leakages in the building envelope but is not easy to quantify. Better air quality may also be achieved by airing out activities of the building users by opening of windows and/or doors, while always...
Visible improvements in air and water quality have ushered into the collective imagination an introspection of the plural values people hold between the natural environment and their near-term economic well-being [12,13]. Sustainable production and consumption is being discussed in the backdrop of th...
as the temps went down to 31 just, so she could breathe. Our household air quality read : extremely harmful. We plugged the IQair unit, left to go for a country ride, then came back in . We have a strange layout to our house, but within the hour, the air quality was reduced to...
JUMP GIS - An open source GIS written in Java MapInfo Pro - A full-featured desktop solution to prepare data for web mapping applications and create presentation quality maps that combines data analysis, visual insights, and map publishing. Marble - A virtual globe and world atlas. OpenOrienteeri...
Remember your map and compass or let yourself be guided by an experienced pathfinder. Hot springs On the island of Uunartoq in South Greenland you can enjoy wellness for life in 38-degree hot water. The water comes from three springs which run into a pool made of dammed up stones....
Miasma is an open source lightweight app for macOS & iOS that shows air quality data - DarraghRogan/Miasma
Jalan Pantai, Gili Air, Lombok, Indonesia, 83352 - See map Conveniently situated in the Gili Air part of Lombok, this property puts you close to attractions and interesting dining options. Rated with 3 stars, this high-quality property provides guests with access to massage, restaurant and fitn...