New York City air quality index (AQI⁺) forecast Today 55 32° 30.2° 6.7 mph 63% Fri 76 35.6° 32° 4.5 mph 55% Sat 65 100% 42.8° 33.8° 4.5 mph 98% Sun 30 100% 50° 42.8° 17.9 mph 93% Mon 22 100% 50° 44.6° ...
West 130th Street 1, New York City air quality index (AQI⁺) forecast Today 10 26° 22° 14.4 km/h 58% Sat 25 30° 21° 14.4 km/h 48% Sun 15 29° 20° 14.4 km/h 44% Mon 11 26° 19° 14.4 km/h 42% Tue 10 28° ...
Local air quality co-benefits can provide complementary support for ambitious climate action and can enable progress on related Sustainable Development Goals. Here we show that the transformation of the energy system implied by the emission reduction ple
Figure7shows the forecast results for theD+1st day (i.e. the next day),D+5th day, andD+10th day air pollutant values where the input of the model is the vehicle count from the images of the CCTV camera 9 and the forecast output is the PM2.5 values of station 3 (sensor 3). Some...
Department of Commerce (2015): NCEP GDAS/FNL 0.25 Degree Global Tropospheric Analyses and Forecast Grids. Research Data Archive at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Computational and Information Systems Laboratory. Dataset. OEHHA/ARB: Office of ...
2.2 WRF: Weather Research and Forecast Model The meteorological modelled data were generated with the Weather Research and Forecast model (WRF) version 4.1.5, using initial and boundary conditions from the 6-hourly 0.25° × 0.25° National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Final (FN...
In order to minimize COVID-19 disease transmission, forecast its rate of outdoor and indoor dispersion and develop proper medical and intervention measures and vaccines, intense multidisciplinary, and interdisciplinary international scientific efforts are devoted to understand the basics of the pandemic, ...
Urban areas are the largest source of pollutants that directly or indirectly will end up in the air, soil, and water. It is paramount to find solutions to reduce the impact of pollution on climate change, ecosystem services, biodiversity loss, and human
This paper investigates the air quality in 107 Italian provinces in the period 2014–2019 and the association between exposure to nine outdoor air pollutants and the COVID-19 spread and related mortality in the same areas. The methods used were negative
aerosol optical depths derived from satellite measurements. The assimilation improved the analysis of aerosol mass concentrations, and enhanced the forecast skill for aerosol mass concentrations. We also introduced a retrieval algorithm and a retrieval product of carbon monoxide by using satellite ...