Whilst this a vital part of the upper atmosphere, on ground level it can prove to have very negative health effects, hence why it is counted amongst the several pollutants that go into calculating the AQI, or air quality index. Did COVID-19 affect air pollution in the USA? Even though ...
Whilst this a vital part of the upper atmosphere, on ground level it can prove to have very negative health effects, hence why it is counted amongst the several pollutants that go into calculating the AQI, or air quality index. Did COVID-19 affect air pollution in the USA? Even though ...
Imparity in air quality index (Pre - Covid vs Post-Covid): A head-turning reviewdoi:10.15864/ajabtr.241Mukherjee, SusmitaBiswas, AditiMazumder, CamelliaRoy, AratrikPaul, SonaliAmerican Journal of Applied Bio-Technology Research
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought home the interconnectedness between nature and human existence in multiple ways, both in terms of the nature of the pandemic itself as well as in the means adopted to manage it. Governments in many countries have responded to the pandemic by enforcing a variet...
Oil tanks catch fire at quarry in Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC March 15, 2024 Tired of diesel fumes, these moms are pushing for electric school buses February 27, 2024 High air pollution levels in Thai capital spark order for city employees to work from home February 15, 2024...
virally mediated anosmia clinically develops over longer periods, this study focused on investigating the association between long-term PM2.5 air pollution and the risk of anosmia in a large outpatient-based case-control study of patients who visited the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland....
Zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) adoption is a key climate mitigation tool, but its environmental justice implications remain unclear. Here, we quantify ZEV adoption at the census tract level in California from 2015 to 2020 and project it to 2035 when all new
In March of 2020, New York became the epicenter of the US COVID-19 outbreak. Lockdown measures were put in place on a state and city level in order to slow the spread of the virus. During this lockdown period, New York observed a 25% reduction in fine particle pollution (PM2.5) as...
As evidenced by the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown, which shuttered business and discouraged non-essential business and travel, it is possible to greatly reduce air pollution levels in Sunnyvale by reducing the number of gas-powered vehicles on the road. TheBay Area Air Quality Management District (BAA...
lockdown measures to contain the COVID-19 virus outbreak, in early 2020, the concentrations and emissions of trace gases and aerosols in China changed substantially, which provided a sad but also unique opportunity to study the effect of a drastic change in anthropogenic emissions on air quality...