What is the air quality index of Indonesia? Indonesia is a country that lies between the Indian and Pacific oceans. It consists of over 17 thousand islands, which makes it the world’s largest island nation. It covers an area of almost 2 million square kilometres and has a population of ...
In Italy, PM2.5 has gone from an average of 19.3 µg/m³ to 19.4 µg/m³ in recent years, and more and more regions are experiencing very high levels of pollution. The air quality index monitoring site map, which conveys the air quality values published and validated by ...
Air Quality Index study in the area of Thessaloniki A valuable public health toolPsefteli, M.Kavvadas, D.Karacosta, P.Cheristanidis, S.Dimitriadou, I.Papamitsou, T.Archives of Hellenic Medicine / Arheia Ellenikes Iatrikes
This packages makes it easy to retrieve the Air Quality Index for your area and is based on the real-time Air Quality data feed (API) of the WAQI project. Note: To make use of this package (and the underlying AQI API) an access token is required. You can acquire your token here:htt...
valhalla - Open Source Routing Engine for OpenStreetMap. Vector Tiles Producer - Command line tool in C++ to creates vector tiles for a given area at chosen zoom levels using a Mapnik XML. Clojure geo - Clojure library for working with geohashes, polygons, and other world geometry. Crystal...
Often, ventilation related standards are written in the form of minimum requirements, defining ventilation rates in l/s per person or per floor area of the building. Ventilation recommendations have varied over time, as our understanding has increased. As an example, the history related to ASHRAE...
The details area in the lower pane of the Sample Data Editor has been updated to show units next to several of the fields. A Diurnal Time Plot Report has been added (under Average Reports) which allows a user to plot ONE parameter, for up to 14 days, and the plot provides multiple tr...
Therefore, we considered these 44 cities as our study area. 2.2. Data and variables The two main data sets used in our baseline regression were (1) the daily air pollution data and (2) the daily weather conditions data for 44 cities. 2.2.1. Dependent variable: Air pollution AQI and six...
4. Air quality assessment As the pollutants and the air flow in different manner and directions due to natural causes and atmospheric phenomena, it is bit complicated to model the concentration of the pollutant in a specific area (Kurt & Oktay, 2010). To express the magnitude of deteriorating...
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