空气污染指数 Air Pollution Index 空气污染指数(Air Pollution Index, API)是反映空气污染物,如最常见的氮氧化物、悬浮粒子(来自汽车)和二氧化硫(来自工厂)水平的一个指数,一般是根据实际污染物观测值并用特定公式算出。指数常被用来对公众发布“空气品质日报”,让人们知道目前的空气质量,进而更妥善地规划行程和工作。
https://api.api-ninjas.com/v1/airquality Get air quality by city or location coordinates (latitude/longitude). Returns the air quality index (AQI) and concentrations of major pollutants. Parameters latrequired Latitude of desired location.
air quality index与air pollution index的指数范围都是0~500,含义相同,分级相同.国内API,国外AQI,他们有没有区别呢? 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 区别一,监控内容更全面 API指数由PM10、二氧化硫和二氧化氮3项的污染指数取最大值得来,通常情况下这三者的最大值是PM10污染指数,个别工业城市可能是二氧化硫 AQI指数由...
Current Iraq Air Quality Index (AQI) is 60 Moderate level with real-time air pollution PM2.5 (32µg/m³), PM10 (57µg/m³), Temperature (12.8°C).
Platform:API The current air quality (AQI) API provides real-time air quality data for specified locations, data resolution is 1x1 km. AQI, category, color and primary pollutant based on local standards for each country or region Generic QWeather AQI ...
Air Quality If all goes well, use the various API methods to get details about the retrieved Air Quality Index of the chosen city or monitoring station. To get the AQI (Air Quality Index), use the method getAQI: $waqi->getAQI(); This returns an array structure containing the Air Qualit...
Node wrapper for the AQICN Air Quality Index API aqicn air quality index air pollution index air quality index pollution pm25 pm2.5 pm10 aqicn.org api kidgodzilla• 1.0.4 • 5 years ago • 0 dependents • MITpublished version 1.0.4, 5 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT 39 ...
Air Pollution Index (API)BronchitisBelfastAir pollutionPublic healthJournal articleAir Qualitydoi:10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_100113Springer NetherlandsSpringer NetherlandsStatistical & Social Inquiry Society of Ireland
For example, (aqi--make-city-raw-accessor 'aqi-station .attribution) will create the function aqi-station which returns the attribution field as specified in the API reference. Further Air Quality index (AQI) Air pollution and the health impacts of ambient air pollution Arduino based air ...
This is a simple app that shows the air quality index of a city. The data is fetched from AirVisual API. Packages You can see the packages used in this project in the file pubspec.yaml. Installation and Usage To try the app, you can clone this repository and run it on your local mac...