Additionally, as winter approaches, there is a possibility of a double burden of mortality and morbidity from worsening of both COVID-19 and air quality. The current focus on public health provides an opportunity to concentrate on the management of air pollution as a critical component of public...
A large number of cities across the world entered "sleep mode" sequentially due to the stay-at-home or lockdown policies. This study exploits the impact of pandemic-induced human mobility restrictions, as the response to COVID-19 pandemic, on the urban air quality across China. Different ...
People exposed to higher levels of air pollution before the pandemic had lower antibody responses to COVID-19 vaccines, according to a study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), in collaboration with the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP). In particular, ex...
5 and improved air quality at the surface compared to 2019. During the lockdown in Rio de Janeiro, CO and NO2 levels showed significant reductions; PM10 levels dropped only in the first partial lockdown week. However, the effect of COVID-19 on O3 was the opposite, and O3 levels ...
COVID-19 pandemic has forced to lockdown entire India starting from 24th March 2020 to 14th April 2020 (first phase), extended up to 3rd May 2020 (second phase), and further extended up to 17th May 2020 (third phase) with limited relaxation in non-hotspot areas. This strict lockdown has...
Air pollution and COVID-19 severity doi:10.1183/13993003.00818-2023European Respiratory JournalJordi Sunyer and Payam Dadvand
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced governments to implement severe mobility restriction measures to limit the spread of the virus. This represented a unique opportunity to study the impact of mobility on urban air quality. Several studies which have investigated the relations between the quality of ...
The end of summer brings the new school year and it may also bring a new spike in COVID-19. One way school officials have been looking to keep students and teachers safe is by improving the air quality in the classroom. Joseph Allen, director of Harvard University's Healthy Buildings ...
observed at the end of February 2020. “Shortly afterward, an explosive increase in hospital admissions due to COVID-19 was recorded in Ticino. The fact that a large carnival event with some 150,000 visitors took place at the same time probably had an additional impact on the spread of the...
3. Impact of air quality on COVID-19 4. Air quality assessment 5. Indoor air quality improvement 6. Discussion and hypothesis 7. Conclusion and remarks Disclosure Declaration of Competing Interest Research Data ReferencesShow full outline Cited by (201) Figures (3) Tables (5) Table 1 Table...