AirPollution ByWTIFS Outline I.Introduction A.ImportanceB.Types III.Indoorairpollution A.HarmB.SourceC.Solution II.Outdoorairpollution A.SourceB.HarmC.Solution IV.Sealed-spaceairpollution A.SourceB.HarmC.Solution Intro Harm Importance •≥15cubic metersofairperday •≥2,000,000 peoplediedper...
airpollutionppt40空气污染ppt课件41 系统标签: airpollution空气污染polluteddioxidebody KeyspeakerIntroduction•Weallknowthatcleanairisimportanttogoodhealth.Whereveryougoandwhateveryoudo,youarealwayssurroundedbyaseaofgasesthatwecallair.Ifthereareimpurities(杂质)intheair,theymaybeabsorbedbyourbodiesandmakeusill.Wene...
大气污染控制工程(英文) Air Pollution Control Engineering.ppt,大气污染控制工程 Air Pollution Control Engineering Contents §1 Introduction to Air Pollution control 1.1 Definition of Air Pollution 1.2 Source of Air Pollution 1.3 Results of Air Pollution 1.
AirPollution-PM2.5 Catalog • IntroductionBackgroundTheresourcesofPM2.5TheinfluenceofPM2.5HowtoPreventPM2.5WhatCanWeDo?Introduction Introduction NationalAmbientAirQualityStandard 国家环境空气质量标准 Introduction •• PMdividedanddnominatedbydiameter • • ••• TSP粉尘或...
Indoor Air Pollution ——Radioactivity from Radon Gas Group members: 刘佳颖,叶秋雯,裴伟 Outline Introduction Where does radon come from? How does radon get inside buildings? The level and distribution of radon The Risk of Living With Radon Reducing Radon Risks Introduction Although pollutant ...
Water Pollution and Control - Chapter 11 Air Pollution 热度: air pollution control a design approach 热度: Air Pollution Control Technology Manual 热度: IntroductiontoAirPollutionControl 朱信 HsinChu Professor Dept.ofEnvironmentalEngineering NationalChengKungUniversity ...
Colls J. Air pollution: an introduction. E&FN Spon. London: Chapman and Hall; 1997. 341 pages.Colls, J.: Air Pollution: An Introduction, E&FN Spon, London, 1997.Colls, J., (1997). Air Pollution: An Introduction. London: E&FN Spon....
An easy-to-understand introduction to air pollution, covering the causes and effects, the different types, and the solutions.
indoor air pollution is the contamination of indoor air due to incorporation of substances (pollutants) which are not natural constituents of indoor air.
四级英语作文:空气污染 -Air pollution 热度: Airpollution 1.Whatisairpollution? Airpollution istheintroductionintothe atmosphere of chemicals, particulates,or biologicalmaterials thatcausediscomfort,disease,ordeathtohumans,damageotherlivingorganismssuchasfoodcrops,ordamagethe naturalenvironmentor builtenvironment. ...