Exposure of infants to outdoor and indoor air pollution in low-income urban areas – a case study of Delhi. J Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol. 2003; 13 :219–30. [ PubMed ]Saksena S, Sing PB, Prasad RK, Prasad R, Malhotra P, Joshi V, et al. Exposure of infants ...
countries:根据前文提到 “in Southeast Asia and the western Pacific Ocean”(在东南亚和西太平洋地区)以及后面提到 “these countries”(这些国家),这里表达大多数因空气污染导致的死亡发生在低收入和中等收入的国家,所以填 “countries”。enough:“The people in these countries aren't rich”(这些国家的人不富裕...
Vulnerability of a low-income community in South Africa to air pollution: Exploring the use of structural equations modelling to identify appropriate interventionsvulnerabilityhealthlow-income communitiesstructural equationsmodellinginterventionsIn this study, the relationship between certain household traits and ...
Air pollution contributes to the global burden of disease, with ambient exposure to fine particulate matter of diameters smaller than 2.5 μm (PM2.5) being identified as the fifth-ranking risk factor for mortality globally1. Racial/ethnic minorities and lower-income groups in the USA are at a ...
In brief: What EPA is doing about climate change 简述:EPA 对气候变化采取了哪些措施 Under theClean Air Act, EPA is taking initial common sense steps to limit greenhouse gas pollution from large sources: 根据《清洁空气法案》,EPA 正在采取初步的常识性措施来限制来自大型来源的温室气体污染: ...
Reference: “Age-dependent health risk from ambient air pollution: a modelling study of childhood mortality in middle and low-income countries” by Prof Jos Lelieveld, Ph.D.; Prof Andy Haines, F Med Sci; Andrea Pozzer, Ph.D.; 1 July 2018,The Lancet Planetary Health. ...
A growing evidence base also highlights the unequal distribution of exposure to and impact of air pollution, with the burden falling disproportionately on lower-income and more marginalized communities7,8. The evidence is in strong agreement that air pollution—predominantly the result of human activiti...
Indoor air pollution exposure of low-income inner-city residents. En- viron. Int. 12:211-219; 1986.Goldstein, I. F., Hartel, D., Andrews, L. R. & Weinstein, A. L. (1986) Indoor air pollution exposures of low- income inner-city residents, Environment International, 12(1 -4), pp...
The results showed that all aging Americans' risk ofpremature deathwould decrease with stronger air pollution rules, but that Black higher-income, Black low-income, and White low-income adults may benefit more than White higher-income adults. Currently, the EPA's National Ambient Air Quality Stan...
Pregnant, low-income New Yorkers living in neighborhoods with higher levels of air pollution were 60 percent more likely to test positive for COVID-19, according to a new study led by scientists at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. The study appears in theAmerican Journal of...