first critical theme to emerge was support and its five sub-themes related to assistance from family members, pets, personal prayer and faith-based prayer groups, peer-support of other spouses of deployed Air National Guard members, and the Airman and Family Readiness and Yellow Ribbon program. ...
The Ribbon has a thin stripe of red in the center, flanked on either side by a narrow stripe of yellow, thin stripe of red, wide stripe of yellow, and a narrow stripe of green at the edges, or predominately yellow with three red stripes at the center and green stripes at the edges....
Red and yellow filters, which fit inter- chan geably into the body of the Alabama Lad Top Winner lens mount, are furnished w ith the lens. These e l im i n a t in g serve the purpose of atmospheric ha ze , Giant Eye George Baetzel of Hawk-Eye's Dept. 82 is making In High ...
The article underscores the adaption of the Minnesota Air Guard of a transition program to address its needs. The Beyond the Yellow Ribbon program eases the transition of soldiers returning from war from being a warfighter to civilian. Colonel Greg Haase of the 133rd Airlift Wing emphasized that...