必应词典为您提供air-naccs的释义,网络释义: 航空货物报关信息处理系统;航空货物通关信息处理系统;
Gaining air supremacy or a favourable air situation (either locally, temporarily or only on some directions) has become an important objective for military strategist. Under these circumstances, the control of the airspace of interest has become increasingly important.Gheorghe Boaru...
NACCS 日本航空货物通关数据处理制度 Nippon Air Cargo Clearance System的简称,系日本海关为促进空运进口货物的通关作业迅速起见,自1978年8月起对于空运货物自运抵日本至交予 Nippon <日>= Japan nippon <日>= Japan system n. 1.系统 2.制度;体制 3.[the system]既成秩序;现政府,统治集团 4.理论体系 ...
Nippon Automated Cargo and Port Consolidation System (NACCS) is responsible for operating this program on behalf of the Japanese government and air carriers will be required to file. Filing through NACCS is obliged by customs law. PO will re-format incoming FWB/ FHL messages to comply with law...
Nippon Air Cargo Clearance System (NACCS) 日本航空货物通关资料处理制度 terrain clearance indicator 绝对测高计无线电测高计 railroad clearance 铁路净空 aircraft clearance 准许起飞 terrain clearance altimeter 真高高度表 相似单词 AIR =Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) 是一个跨操作系统的运行时,利用现...
17.Nippon Air Cargo Clearance System (NACCS)日本航空货物通关资料处理制度 18.Air Cargo Terminal [Hong Kong International Airport]航空货运大楼〔香港国际机场〕 相关短句/例句 air freight station航空货运站 3)air cargo terminal航空货动站 4)integrated air cargo terminal综合航空货运站 5)air cargo terminal...
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This capability maximizes nuclear plant revenue and enables a base-load nuclear reactor with NACCs to be a low-carbon replacement for a GTCC. The NACC power cycle, alternative heat storage technologies, and development status of the different technologies are described. The technology applies to ...
atmosphere Article Influence of Trans-Boundary Air Pollution on the Urban Atmosphere in Fukuoka, Japan Ayako Yoshino 1, Akinori Takami 1,*, Kei Sato 1, Atsushi Shimizu 1, Naoki Kaneyasu 2, Shiro Hatakeyama 3, Keiichiro Hara 4 and Masahiko Hayashi 4 1 Center for Regional Environmental Research...